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106 results found

YCC % Calls Answered - TOTAL

YCC % Calls Answered - TOTAL *This indicator has been discontinued

YCC & Benefits % Calls Answered - TOTAL

YCC & Benefits % Calls Answered - TOTAL

YCC Average Speed of answer - Operators

YCC Average Speed of answer - Operators

Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

YCC % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

YCC % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL *This indicator has been discontinued

YCC & Benefits % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

YCC & Benefits % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

% of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC

% of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC. This quarterly figure shows the council's speed of reaction by calculating the percentage of number of calls answered within 20 seconds out of...

Number of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC

Number of external calls answered within 20 seconds - CYC *This indicator has been discontinued.

Liverpool Regionally Important Geological Sites

RIGS, Regionally Important Geological Sites, Geo Deservity

Shetland Local Nature Conservation Sites

As part of the Local Development Plan, 49 sites of importance that are not designated under legislation were identified as deserving of protection.

Marine Consultation Areas (Scotland)

Marine Consultation Areas are identified by Scottish Natural Heritage as deserving particular distinction in respect of the quality and sensitivity of the marine environment within them. Their...

PQ database

Database storing infomration on PQs answered by DECC

Forest Regulation Task Force questionnaire Question 4 responses on priorities for change

Answers by organisations to Question 4 of the questionnaire on stakeholders' priorities for change

The National Archives - responses to FOI requests

Quarterly breakdown of FOI responses answered within the statutory timeframe in 2010-11 and 2011-12

Correspondence Case Record – Treat Official

Correspondence received from members of the public which will be answered by locally by the relevant FSA business area.

Smoke Control Orders

Unrefined dataset of smoke control orders required to answer a property search enquiry made available under the Environmental Information Regulations 2005

Tree Preservation Orders35

Unrefined dataset of Tree Preservation Orders required to answer a property search enquiry made available under the Environmental Information Regulations 2005


Unrefined dataset of article 4 directions required to answer a property search enquiry made available under the Environmental Information Regulations 2005.

Planning - Article 4

Unrefined dataset of article 4 directions required to answer a property search enquiry made available under the Environmental Information Regulations 2005.

Compulsory Purchase Orders

Unrefined dataset of compulsory purchase orders required to answer a property search enquiry made available under the Environmental Information Regulations 2005