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35 results found

2000 Hastings Shingle Bank Crab Depletion Study

The feasibility of using catch depletion methodologies as a way of assessing edible crab (*Cancer pagurus*) stocks was investigated on the Hastings Shingle Bank commercial crabbing ground,...

2000 Hastings Shingle Bank Crab Depletion Study

The feasibility of using catch depletion methodologies as a way of assessing edible crab (*Cancer pagurus*) stocks was investigated on the Hastings Shingle Bank commercial crabbing ground,...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2 into Depleted Gas Fields

The aim of this proposal is to develop and validate a multi-phase flow model for simulating the highly transient flow phenomena taking place in the well-bore during start-up injection of CO2...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project presentation: The development and demonstration of best practice guidelines for the start-up injection of CO2 into highly-depleted gas fields, UKCCSRC Edinburgh Biannual Meeting, 15.09.2016

This presentation on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project The development and demonstration of best practice guidelines for the start-up injection of CO2 into highly-depleted gas fields was presented at the...

EPSRC Project: CONTAIN - The impaCt of hydrOcarbon depletioN on the Treatment of cAprocks within performance assessment for CO2 InjectioN schemes

The UK is committed to meeting stringent carbon dioxide emission targets over the next 35 years. One potentially valuable technology in achieving this target is the development of Carbon Capture...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-183 data: The development and demonstration of best-practice guidelines for the start-up injection of CO2 into highly-depleted gas fields: Final report plots and data

The dataset contains 15 plots and data for time-dependent pressures and temperatures at various locations along a 2582-m-long well and at various simulation times. The realistic scenarios taken...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2, Cardiff Biannual, 10.09.14

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project, The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2 into Depleted Gas Fields, was presented at the...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for Safe Start-up Injection of CO2, Cranfield Biannual 21.04.15

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project, The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2 into Depleted Gas Fields, was presented at the...

UK Miscellaneous: Paper: The potential for aquifer disposal of carbon dioxide in the UK 1993 (early CO2 storage paper)

This is one of the early papers on CO2 storage. Natural analogues indicate that it is possible to dispose of CO2 underground in closed structures on deep aquifers. Disposal into depleted or...

Data from the Global Partnerships Seedcorn Fund project: WREED Weathering and secondary processes in the development of carbonatite-hosted REE-resources (NERC Grant NE/V008935/1)

Analyses of archive rock and soil samples from the Mushgai Khudug (Mongolia), Dalucao, Miaoya and Lizhuang (China) rare earth element deposits. Data characterise mineralogy, bulk rock geochemistry...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project The Development and Demonstration of Best Practice Guidelines for the Safe Start-up Injection of CO2 into Depleted Gas Fields was presented at the CSLF...

Survey of Blue Ling and Other Deep-Water Species 2003/04 - Fisheries Science Partnership

Data from an FSP trip directed at deep-water fish species to the west of Scotland, where some of the stocks are considered to be severely depleted e.g orange roughy (*Hoplostethus atlanticus*) in...

Survey of Blue Ling and Other Deep-Water Species 2003/04 - Fisheries Science Partnership

Data from an FSP trip directed at deep-water fish species to the west of Scotland, where some of the stocks are considered to be severely depleted e.g orange roughy (*Hoplostethus atlanticus*) in...

FIB-SEM and X-ray micro-tomographic images of carbonate rock dissolution during reactive CO2-saturated brine injection under reservoir conditions

The datasets contain FIB-SEM and X-ray micro-tomographic images of a wettability-altered carbonate rock sample before and after dissolution with reactive CO2-saturated brine at reservoir pressure...

Formation confinement analyses based on available results of laboratory geochemical measurements of brine samples for selected sites

The dataset is on analyses on formation confinement based on available results of laboratory geochemical measurements of brine samples for several field sites (shale wells, acidic gas storage...

Report: Kingsnorth E.ON UK Carbon Capture & Storage Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 07: Technical Design - Well and Storage

During 2010-11, as part of the Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Demonstration Competition process, E.ON undertook a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study for the development of a commercial...

Scales of preservation and root causes of mantle heterogeneities in the Iapetan Ocean convecting upper mantle NERC grant NE/J00457X/1

Although the terrestrial mantle comprises ~80 vol.% of our planet, its compositional architecture is not well understood despite the importance such knowledge holds for constraining Earth's thermal...

WFD Cycle 2 transitional phytoplankton classification

This dataset is a subset of "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" and contains classification data for phytoplankton in transitional (between freshwater river and salty coastal water) water bodies. ...

WFD Cycle 2 coastal phytoplankton classification

This dataset is a subset of "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" and contains classification data for phytoplankton in coastal water bodies. Phytoplankton are microscopic primary producers and form...

Experimental data from brine-CO2 flow-through test and geomechanical assessment test on a 38% porosity synthetic sandstone under shallow storage reservoirs conditions

The spreadsheet gathers the data collected during two experiments conducted on a synthetic sandstone core sample to assess geophysical monitoring techniques, storage capacity evaluation and the...