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Stabilisation Unit (SU) Staff Administration Database

Records of Stabilisation Unit staff.

Controlled Work Administration (Database of legal aid work)

Contains claim details, as submitted by a provider, including: client details, profit and disbursement costs and category of Law. The database also contains contract & schedule information and...

Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Comittee (ARSAC) Database

Information on UK clinicians, hospitals & radiopharmaceuticals. Output: issue statutory ARSAC certificates

FSA Core Tables Administration Budget

Core Tables as required by FReM detailing the FSA’s Administration Budget

Modernisation of Stamp Duty (administrative system)

Information on properties sold with value over £40,000 e.g. price, tax liability, type of property, geography of property with information on the purchaser, vendor and solicitor involved

Modernisation of Stamp Duty (administrative system)

Information on properties sold with value over £40,000 e.g. price, tax liability, type of property, geography of property with information on the purchaser, vendor and solicitor involved

UK Administrative Boundaries

Mapping data for administrative areas

Police pension administrator contacts

The responsibility for administering the police pension schemes lies locally in each police force area. This dataset contains relevant contact details.

Fleming cases Database

Details of VAT Flemings claims managed. ‘Fleming claims’ are claims for under-declared or overpaid VAT, potentially going back as far as the inception of VAT in 1973. They followed the House of...

Large Business Database

Data base of large business groups and their structure. Updated: Ad hoc. Data available for 2005/06

Fleming cases Database

Details of VAT Flemings claims managed. ‘Fleming claims’ are claims for under-declared or overpaid VAT, potentially going back as far as the inception of VAT in 1973. They followed the House of...

Plant Health Database

Microsoft Access database holding data 2010-date pertaining to sites investigated or under investigation for various diseases

Large Business Database

Data base of large business groups and their structure. Updated: Ad hoc. Data available for 2005/06

Administrative spend over £500 in UK Trade and Investment

A monthly-updated list of administrative financial transactions spending over £500 made by UK Trade and Investment, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. From...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Evaluation and Evaluation Evidence Databases

Tracks the status of HMRC evaluations of research and analyses, findings and meta-data. Updated: ad hoc.

Contact Centre Database (CCD)

Monthly data sets with interview data from contact centre customers. Updated: monthly/quarterly/six monthly and annual datasets. Data coverage: 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Evaluation and Evaluation Evidence Databases

Tracks the status of HMRC evaluations of research and analyses, findings and meta-data. Updated: ad hoc.

Firearms database

Contains details of all those who have applied for and have been granted section 5 authority to possess prohibited weapons.