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2,243 results found

The rising cost of living and its effects on Londoners

This work looks at the spiralling cost of living and the challenges facing Londoners including the rising poverty levels in the capital. The latest update is dated August 2022. **The report and...


Detailed listing of all costs includes expenses, external agencies, and all other external costs for the Competition Commission.

Pontbren neutron probe soil moisture data

This dataset includes neutron probe data measured across the Pontbren study catchment in mid-Wales, UK. Neutron probe access tubes were installed at various locations across the site and...

Transparent Approach to Costing income and costs by activity

The Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC) is the methodology developed with the higher education sector to help them cost their activities. Costings data relates to activity / subject areas. ...

Labour Costs Survey

Labour Costs Survey Data is produced under regulation to Eurostat. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Labour...

Soil moisture profiles from permafrost in subarctic Canada

This dataset consists of soil moisture profiles from permafrost in subarctic Canada. Soil mositure profiles were monitored during summer in 2013 and 2014 in Yukon and Northwest Territories....

Model estimates of topsoil moisture [Countryside Survey]

Topsoil moisture data - gravimetric moisture content (%). Data is representative of 0 - 15 cm soil depth. Cores from 1098 plots within 256 1km by 1km squares were measured in 1998 and 2614 plots...

Collated neutron probe measurements and derived soil moisture data, UK, 1966-2013

The dataset of neutron probe soil moisture observations for 112 sites (428 probe locations) from 1966 to 2013 includes 4 comma-separated tables, derived from the UK Soil Moisture Databank. The data...

Translation Costs

This dataset contains details of all translation and interpreting costs incurred by Blaby District Council for each financial year since 2011/12. It will be updated on an annual basis.

Schools Waste - Cost (£)

Schools Waste - Cost (£)

Schools Renewables - Cost (£)

Schools Renewables - Cost (£)

Schools Electricity - Cost (£)

Schools Electricity - Cost (£)

Corporate Renewables - Cost (£)

Corporate Renewables - Cost (£)

Corporate Water - Cost (£)

Corporate Water - Cost (£)

Schools Water - Cost (£)

Schools Water - Cost (£)

Corporate Waste - Cost (£)

Corporate Waste - Cost (£)

Cost of Ownership

Cost of Ownership

Disease cost sharing

Assessing the costs of future exotic animal disease outbreaks

Estates Cost Plans

Financial cost options for the implementation of estates related activity.

Estates Cost Plans

Financial cost options for the implementation of estates related activity.