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        Corrosivity Map for the UK

        The dataset is a Soil Corrosivity Map for the U.K. based on the BGS DIGMapGB-PLUS Map. The creation of this dataset involves scoring the Soil Parent Material types for five different attributes...

        Soil Series LEACS

        SOILSERIES leacs provides information on the shrink-swell and corrosivity of the soil to Fe and Zn.

        LEACS by Soil Association

        Dominant shrink well and corrosivity class associated with each soil association in the national map plus a break down of the proportion of the soil association within each of the classes

        Underground ferrous assets: Susceptibility to failure map

        This national digital GIS product produced by the British Geological Survey indicates the susceptibility of corroded underground ferrous (iron) assets (e.g. pipes) to failure, as a result of ground...

        UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Determination of water solubility limits in CO2 mixtures to deliver water specification levels for CO2 transportation

        This project will determine the dew point of water, or "water solubility", in impure CO2 mixtures (e.g. containing N2 and H2). At present, key data for defining water levels have not been...

        UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Determination of water Solubility in CO2 Mixtures, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

        This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Determination of water solubility limits in CO2 mixtures to deliver water specification levels for CO2 transportation was presented at the CSLF Call...

        UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Measurement of water solubility limits of CO2 mixtures to underpin the safe pipeline transportation of CO2

        This Proposal focuses on the determination of the dew point of water (H2O), or “water solubility”, in impure CO2 mixtures (e.g. containing nitrogen, N2, oxygen, O2, hydrogen, H2, or mixtures of N2...

        UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Novel reductive rejuvenation approaches for degraded amine solutions from PCC in power plants

        Aqueous amine scrubbing was originally developed for natural gas treatment and is currently considered to be the current best available technology for post-combustion capture (PCC) of CO2 from both...

        EPSRC Project: ORGMEMT - Organic Mixed Matrix Membrane Technologies for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture

        The UK Government has set targets for the reduction of CO2 emissions of 80 % by 2050. Post-combustion capture of CO2 from power plants is key if we are to achieve these targets. Post-combustion CO2...

        Report: Kingsnorth E.ON UK Carbon Capture & Storage Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 07: Technical Design - Well and Storage

        During 2010-11, as part of the Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Demonstration Competition process, E.ON undertook a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study for the development of a commercial...