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        446 results found

        Visitor numbers

        Statistics for numbers of visitors to the Museum and it branches.

        London Visitor Perceptions

        Visitor expectation and experience ratings Visitor expectation and experience ratings. > [This dataset is included in the Greater London Authority's Night Time Observatory. Click here to find...

        Visitor survey data

        Statistical information from surveys of visitor reactions and satisfaction.

        Visitor economy data

        A dataset providing visitor economy data In Leeds, including number of days visited, expenditure, visitor profiles and purpose of visit.  Further information ------------------- For further...

        Tourism - Visitors to Attractions

        This dataset shows how many people visited Attractions in Lincolnshire by calendar year. Visitor numbers for a wide range of attractions are shown, along with other key information such as...

        Leeds visitor centre footfall

        Data showing numbers of visitors to the Leeds Visitor Centre. Please note ----------- * Jan-May 1995 figures are for Wellington Street centre, Gateway opened at the end of May * June 2008...

        National Archives - Visitors

        We currently collect data regarding the number of visitors to The National Archives. The link below provides a breakdown of these visitors. The number for readers represents the total number of...

        Student visitors

        Research into the student visitors route which allows people to visit the UK for up to six months to undertake a short course of study. The research investigates who is using this growing...

        Visitor numbers (live data)

        Information about visitor numbers to the Museum

        Visitor Information Centre Footfall

        Visitor Information Centre Footfall *This indicator has been discontinued

        Database of English Visitor Attractions

        A database of all English visitor attractions which VE is aware of, compiled to use as sample in the Annual Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions

        NHS Workforce - Health Visitors

        The minimum data set (MDS) collection for health visiting (HV) provides the number of full time equivalent (FTE) health visitors employed by all NHS organisations, Local Authorities and Social...

        Construction Statistics

        This report brings together under one cover a wide range of statistics that are currently available on the construction industry. It gives a broad perspective of statistical trends in the...

        Government construction pipeline

        The August 2015 Government Construction Pipeline is a forward look of government-funded construction projects as at April 2015 and includes approximately £118bn of investment to 2020 and beyond....

        Leeds housing construction

        The virtual survey dataset is an experimental snapshot of basic building parameters consisting of:- * Age Band * Property Type * Built Form * System /Construction Type * Main Wall...

        Total Number of Visitors to Joint Support Unit Northwood

        The total number of visitors to Joint Support Unit (JSU) Northwood and whether they were MOD visitors or contractors and whether they required car passes.

        Northern Ireland Construction Bulletin

        This Bulletin provides a measure of the value of construction output in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Designation: National...

        External visitors to the UKHO Archive

        Please note that this data set is not maintained. The data shown in the tab "Visitors to the UKHO Archive" represents two data sets. The first shows how many external visitors used the Archive...

        Output in the Construction Industry

        Construction output is a monthly estimate of the output of the construction industry in both the private and public sectors. The estimates are a key component of Gross Domestic Product. Source...

        Visit England Visitor Attraction Assurance Scheme member database

        A database of members of the VisitEngland Visitor Attraction Quality Assurance Scheme, with details of attraction name, address and assessment