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        977 results found

        Performance Dashboard Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) export refunds

        This dashboard shows information about how the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) export refunds service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows number of digital...

        Common Database on Designated Areas in the UK

        A spatial dataset of the UK's National designations submitted to the Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) in March 2016. This is the most up to data copy of the dataset and previous...

        Plant indicator species for JNCC Common Standards habitat monitoring, UK

        Dataset contains lists of plant indicator species extracted from the JNCC Common Standards habitat monitoring guidance for the UK. The Common Standards Monitoring (CSM) approach was developed in...

        Data for UK OSPAR Common Procedure - Eutrophication Assessment - 1990 to 2014

        This dataset contains chlorophyll, nutrients and dissolved oxygen measurements which were used in the 3rd application of the OSPAR Common Procedure for Assessment of Eutrophication and UK Marine...

        Data for UK OSPAR Common Procedure - Eutrophication Assessment - 1990 to 2014

        This dataset contains chlorophyll, nutrients and dissolved oxygen measurements which were used in the 3rd application of the OSPAR Common Procedure for Assessment of Eutrophication and UK Marine...

        Experimental friction data for different grain size quartz gouges under different effective normal stresses (NERC Grant NE/P002943/1)

        The data are from a suite of friction experiments performed on 3 different grain size quartz gouges (5, 15 and 30 microns). The quartz gouge layers were sheared under a range of effective normal...

        Statutory Common Land

        lands which are available for public use or enjoyment, such as parks, sidewalks or highways

        Stoke Common Compartments

        Boundaries of compartments used in management planning and recording

        Visual tracking data, common tern, Glas Eileanan SPA (2011)

        This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Glas Eileanan Special Protection Area (SPA) and a nearby artificial nesting platform at South Shian, for...

        Advice notes on curating time-based media such as film, audio etc - Creative Commons

        Creative Commons licences are being applied to advice notes on curating time-based media, written in conjunction with the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

        COMMON.PLAN_ Conservation_Areas

        Conservation areas are designations made by local authorities. The boundary of a conservation area defines an area of "special architectural or historic interest" where special requirements placed...

        Spurdog, porbeagle and common skate by-catch and discard reduction 2011/12- Fisheries Science Partnership

        To collect field data on the numbers of elasmobranchs of conservation interest (porbeagle, common skate and spurdog) taken as by-catch in offshore gillnet fisheries and their survivability (i.e....

        Nectar sugar values of common British plant species [AgriLand]

        This dataset consists of nectar sugar values of common British plant species. The data were collected during field surveys taking place from February to October in 2011 and 2012. The majority of...

        Flower density values of common British plant species [AgriLand]

        This dataset consists of flower density values of common British plant species. The data were collected during field surveys taking place from February to October in 2011 and 2012. The majority of...

        Common Pheasant and Red-legged Partridge releases – European sites and 500m buffer zones (England)

        Common Pheasant and Red-legged Partridge releases – European sites and 500m buffer zones This dataset is static (not planned to be updated). This data is published only to support gamebird...

        Pharmacovigilance data about most commonly reported adverse reactions and lack of efficacy broken down by veterinary medicine type

        Datasets providing information about the most commonly reported adverse reaction events and suspect lack of efficacy for difference classes of veterinary medicines.


        Spatial dataset which shows the Historic Village Greens within the Leeds Metropolitan District boundary

        Streatham Common Local Nature Reserve

        shows the boundaries of Sites of Importance to Nature Conservation (SINCs) in lambeth

        Experimental friction data for simulated Nankai Trough gouges sheared under a range of effective normal stress and pore-fluid pressure conditions (NERC Grant NE/S015531/1)

        The data are from a suite of friction experiments performed on simulated gouges from the Nankai Trough (Japan). The simulated gouges were prepared by crushing cuttings of Nankai accretionary...

        A systematic review of common measurement methods of global soil protease activity between 1970-2020

        The dataset contains global soil protease activities and common methodological parameters (i.e. fluorometric and colorimetric analysis) used to measure soil protease activity between 1970-2020. The...