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2,387 results found

Crime against business premises: Headline findings from the Commercial Victimisation Survey

Statistics on extent of crime against businesses in the manufacturing, retail, transport and storage and accommodation and food industry sectors taken from the Commercial Victimisation...

Surrey Heath Borough Council List of Vacant Commercial Premises

This dataset contains an extract of Surrey Heath revenues and benefits system and details all currently vacant commercial premises in Surrey Heath. The dataset is refreshed at 8.30am daily. When...

Licensed Premises

Premises Licenses and Club Premises Certificates issued by Swale Borough Council, published under the LG Inform Incentive Scheme, as at date published.

Crime against business premises

Statistics on extent of crime against businesses in the wholesale & retail, accommodation & food, arts, entertainment & recreation, and agriculture, forestry & fishing sectors taken...

Premises licence

A premises licence is required for buildings and land where any of the licensable activities take place. Applications include licensing new premises or amending existing licences.

Vacant Commercial Properties

Details of all currently vacant commercial properties and premises in Mole Valley, Surrey. Data refreshed every week. Data made available as CSV and CSV feed. To save as CSV use CSV feed link...

Premises licence

Premises licence

Premises Licensing

Premises Licensing

Premises licence

Premises licence

Premises Licences

Premises Licences issued by Scarborough Borough Council.

Licensed Premises

Data showing all the licensed premises in Plymouth.

Licensed Premises

shows the location of licensed premises in lambeth

Wycombe premise licences

Datasets about premises licences applications including new premises or amendments to existing licences.

Premises licences

Current licensed premises in the London Borough of Hounslow.

Licenced Premises

Premises Licences issued by Barrow Borough Council updated annually.

Premises licences

Current licensed premises in the London Borough of Hounslow.

Licensed gambling premises

This dataset contains a list of the premises in Great Britain which can provide facilities for gambling. This includes betting shops, casinos, bingo premises and arcades. The Gambling...

Premises licence

Premises licence information for Boston Borough Council as part of the Open Data project.

Cambridge Premises Licences

Premises licences in Cambridge as at March 2015. Includes temporary event notices and club premises certificates. Published to comply with the Local Government Association Open Data schema.

Licenced Premises Northumberland

This dataset contains details of all premises licences included on the Council's public register, including club premises licences and temporary event notices. The information was published as part...