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1,152 results found

Import of aquatic plants into England and Wales

Quantifying the volume of aquatic plants imported into, and moved within, England and Wales

International Database on Aquatic Animal Diseases

This database is for those needing to access the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) published data on the occurrence of the OIE-listed aquatic animal diseases in all member countries and/or...

AquaticEye v0.2 - Beta user notebook

AquaticEye is a AI model trained to detect species in underwater imagery capture in UK waters. It was developed at Plymouth Marine Laboratory to evaluate the capability of AI models to...

Aquatic macrophyte transect data for the River Lambourn at Boxford 2009 to 2014

The dataset contains results from surveys recording the cover and area of aquatic macrophytes at four transects on the River Lambourn, collected monthly between March 11 2009 and September 30 2014....

2002 Aquatic Environments. Monitoring of the BNNC sands and mud flats

Survey name: 2002 Aquatic Environments. Monitoring of the BNNC sands and mud flats This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey...

Combined Authorites (June 2016)

Combined Authorities in England (June 2016) There are currently seven Combined Authorities in England Greater Manchester Liverpool City Region North East Sheffield City Region Tees...

2001 Fawley Aquatic Research Labs Ltd, Hydrocyclone discharge area, Furzey Island, Dorset, Benthic Day van Veen grab sampling survey

These records all relate to ''Coughlan (2001) Furzey Island Hydrocyclone: 2001 Benthic Survey (FCR 364/02)". A copy of the report is held at BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd, Wareham, Dorset. ...

2001 Fawley Aquatic Research Labs Ltd, Hydrocyclone discharge area, Furzey Island, Dorset, Benthic Day van Veen grab sampling survey

These records all relate to ''Coughlan (2001) Furzey Island Hydrocyclone: 2001 Benthic Survey (FCR 364/02)". A copy of the report is held at BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd, Wareham, Dorset. ...

Hydraulic mobility of aquatic insect (Trichoptera) bioconstructions and incorporated sediments

Data comprise resistance of aquatic bioconstructions (Trichoptera cases), and the loose sediment they were built from, to hydraulic forces measured in a hydraulic flume. S1_Velocimetry_data...

Combined cancer survival by primary care trusts

This presents a survival index for al cancers combined for primary care trusts in England Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Combined Heat and Power database

Internal database of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants in the UK. The department is unable to publish site level data as this information is commercially sensitive. We publish statistics on CHP...

Combined Authorities (December 2018) Boundaries EN BUC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England, as at December 2018. THE BUC boundaries ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water...

Combined Authorities (December 2018) Boundaries EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England, as at December 2018. The BGC boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water...

Combined Authorities (March 2017) Boundaries EN BSC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England as at March 2017. The boundaries are super generalised (200m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark)....

Combined Authorities (March 2017) Boundaries EN BUC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England as at March 2017. The boundaries are ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark)....

Combined Authorities (December 2018) Boundaries EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England, as at December 2018. The BFC boundaries are Full Clipped - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark)....

Combined Authorities (March 2017) Boundaries EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England as at March 2017. The boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark). Contains...

Combined Authorities (March 2017) Boundaries EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England as at March 2017. The boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark)....

Combined Authorities (June 2016) Boundaries EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for combined authorities (CAUTH) in England as at 17 June 2016. The boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water...

Combined Authorities (June 2016) Boundaries EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for combined authorities (CAUTH) in England as at 17 June 2016. The boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water...