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7,026 results found

Spend over £25,000 in The Wallace Collection

A monthly updated list of all Wallace Collection expenditure over £25,000 as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

SFO government procurement card expenditure

This government procurement card expenditure information is being published as part of the government's commitment to transparency. These figures are not official statistics. They are internal...

ID Card Database

A database of personal information of RN personnel engaged with maritime youth organisations (Sea cadets, Sea Scouts etc).

Search the collections – archival collections

Catalogue records for archives in the V&A’s Archive of Art and Design, Theatre and Performance Collection, Museum of Childhood – and the V&A’s own institutional archive.

Cash collected from compliance

Total amount of tax that HMRC collects from activity to tackle those individuals and businesses that have not paid the tax that is due, such as cash collected as a result of tax enquiries...


On-going programme of digitising the Museum's entire collection or c.80m specimens and making publicly available in the main through (due to be published January 2015) and

UK Defence Statistics Pocket Cards

A summary of the annual statistics compendium of the Ministry of Defence Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: UKDS Pocket Cards

DWP Government Procurement Card Payments

DWP payments over £500 using the Government Procurement Card in the month.

UKTI Government Procurement Card spend - transactions over £500

UKTI has published all Government Procurement Card (GPC) spend for Departmental GPC's. The data published includes transactions that have a single transaction value of £500 or above. This data will...

Government Procurement Card spend over £500 for The Charity Commission

Government Procurement Card spend over £500 for The Charity Commission for England and Wales. The documents detail all expenditure with suppliers via a Government Procurement Card covering...

Electronic purchasing card solution use - HM Revenue & Customs

HMRC publishes details of all spending over £500 using an electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS) on a monthly basis. The ePCS has replaced the government procurement card (GPC). Note: In...

Government Procurement Card (GPC) spend - transactions over £500

A list of Government Procurement Card (GPC) transactions greater than £500 made by Ofwat, updated monthly.

The BGS Collection Of Geologist's Field Notebooks, Section Books and Field Record Cards.

Manuscript notebooks, section books and field record cards containing detailed information gathered by the Survey geologists (or other recognised geologists) from various sources as part of the...

Business Review of the Collection Service (BROCS)

Daily record of payments posted on BROCS. BROCS maintains the accounting records, issue reminders for late payment and transfer debts to Integrated Debt Management System (IDMS) for Pay As You...

Meteorological data collected at Bedgebury (2006)

In response to widespread concern that air pollution could affect forest condition, the International Co-operative Programme on the Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests...

Spend over £500 with Government Procurement Cards (GPC) and Electronic Purchasing Card Solution (ePCS) in the Department for Education

A monthly-updated list of Government Procurement Card (GPC) and electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS) spend over £500 made by the Department for Education, as part of the Government's...

Government Procurement Card (GPC) figures from the Office of Rail Regulation

Details of transactions in excess of £500 purchased using a Government Procurement Card (GPC).

Government Procurement Card Transactions over £500 in Treasury Solicitors Department

A monthly-updated list of Government Procurement Card Transactions over £500 made by Treasury Solicitors Department, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Crown Prosecution Service Information on GPC card expenditure over £500

This data shows all Government Procurement Card spend over £500 at the CPS.

Government Procurement Card (GPC) figures from the Office of Rail and Road

Details of transactions in excess of £500 purchased using a Government Procurement Card (GPC).