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        1,265 results found

        Owner occupation in English regions

        This dataset contains the percentage breakdown of owner occupiers for regions in England. This dataset was produced by the English Housing Survey and contains the percentage breakdown of owner...

        Employee owner status equality impact assessment

        Data tables for an assessment of the equality impacts of proposed measures to implement employee owner status. See URN 12/1215 for the related consultation paper.

        Building Preservation Notices GIS Data

        GIS spatial data for Building Preservation Notices. Building Preservation Notices are represented by a polygon defining the extent of the temporary protection. Local planning authorities may...

        Owner Occupied Housing costs using the Net Acquisitions approach

        Owner Occupied Housing costs using the Net Acquistions approach

        Listed Buildings In Harborough District

        A listed building is a building that has been placed on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. A listed building may not be demolished, extended, or altered...

        Government Major Projects Portfolio Senior Responsible Owners

        The government is committed to publishing lists of the SROs for projects on the GMPP. To address this commitment the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) publishes lists of the SROs...

        Wandsworth Locally Listed Buildings

        Many councils, including Wandsworth maintain a list of locally listed buildings as separate to the statutory list (and in addition to it). There is no statutory protection of a building or object...

        ID 2007 Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation indicator

        ID 2007: Barriers To Housing and Services, Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation Indicator (house prices to incomes/earnings) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher:...

        ID 2004 Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation indicator

        ID 2004: Barriers To Housing and Services, Difficulty of Access to Owner-Occupation Indicator (house prices to incomes/earnings) Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID...


        Buildings that consist of multiple adjoining building parts.  When contained in a Land Use Site, adjoining building parts will be represented by a single feature. The latest data schema version...


        *** THIS DATA IS UPDATED DAILY *** A building is defined as basic information about the physical characteristics of the building. A property may consist of a single building or many buildings,...

        Listed Buildings

        A listed building is a building, object or structure that has ‘special architectural or historic interest’ and is considered to be of national importance, and therefore worth protecting. Listing...

        Tall Buildings

        Polygon dataset of all tall buildings (buildings over 50m AOD in height) in the City. Polygons determined by building footprint or site boundary for proposed buildings. More detail provided in the...

        Listed Buildings

        Buildings are listed by Historic Scotland for their special architectural or historic interest on behalf of the Scottish Government. The aim of listing such buildings is to protect or enhance their...

        Listed Buildings

        Buildings are listed by Historic Scotland for their special architectural or historic interest on behalf of the Scottish Government. The aim of listing such buildings is to protect or enhance their...

        Listed Buildings

        The Listed Building Dataset comprises the statutory addresses and supplementary information for listed buildings in Scotland. Listing is the recognition through the Planning (Listed Buildings and...

        Listed Buildings

        Listed Buildings (LISTB). A listed building can be a house, wall, public building, monument, memorial or any structure that is included on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural...

        Listed Buildings

        This dataset contains the Listed Buildings within the City of London. Listed buildings are legally protected for their special architectural and/or historic interest. The older a building is, the...

        Building Line

        A feature which has a line geometry and represents a wall between two buildings, building internal divisions, or an overhanging building edge.

        Listed Buildings

        Listed Buildings (LISTB). A listed building can be a house, wall, public building, monument, memorial or any structure that is included on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural...