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639 results found

Air quality exposure data broken down by parliamentary constituency

This is a dataset of air quality exposure data broken down by parliamentary constituency based on the current 2013 data from the London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory. The legal limit for NO2 is...

CPS - Number of Conditional Cautions broken down by Gender and Area

This shows the number of Conditional Cautions administered in the period broken down by gender and CPS Area.

Schools and educational institutions air quality exposure data broken down by parliamentary constituency

This is a dataset of schools and educational institutions air quality exposure data broken down by parliamentary constituency based on the current 2013 data from the London Atmospheric Emissions...

Nematode asseblages from the Broken and Swarte banks in the North Sea, April 2006

Data consists of presense data of nematode worms in the form of count data. Samples were collected from two subtidal sandbanks in the North Sea, Broken Bank and Swarte Bank, in April 2006. Data...

CPS - Number of Conditional Cautions broken down by Offence

This shows those 'either way' offences (triable in Crown Court or magistrates' court) and those offences that can only be tried summarily (in the magistrates' court) for which a Conditional Caution...

Pharmacovigilance data about most commonly reported adverse reactions and lack of efficacy broken down by veterinary medicine type

Datasets providing information about the most commonly reported adverse reaction events and suspect lack of efficacy for difference classes of veterinary medicines.

Cancer registration: Epidemiology of Breast, Colorectal and Prostate Cancer Patients Diagnosed in 2015

National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2019). Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of Breast, Colorectal and Prostate Cancer Patients Diagnosed in 2015. Public Health England....

Home Office Workforce Management Information

This data shows the number of staff employed at different grades in the Home Office, our agencies and executive non-departmental public bodies, broken down by headcount and number of posts...

Property Classifications Northumberland by ward

Total number of property types broken down by ward within the Northumberland area.

Property Classifications Northumberland by Parish

Total number of property types broken down by Parish within the Northumberland area.

Sub-national electricity consumption

Statistics on the consumption of electricity broken down by local authority. Accredited Official Statistics

Sub-national gas consumption

Statistics on the consumption of gas broken down by local authority. Accredited Official Statistics

Cash Management

A rolling 12 months of cash receipts broken down by month and income stream.

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Codebook 2016-17

The council's budgeted non-capital expenditure for 2016/17, broken down by type of spending

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Codebook 2014-15

The council's budgeted non-capital expenditure for 2014/15, broken down by type of spending

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Codebook 2017-18

The council's budgeted non-capital expenditure for 2017/18, broken down by type of spending

Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Codebook 2015-16

The council's budgeted non-capital expenditure for 2015/16, broken down by type of spending

Libraries Fees and Charges

Details of all of the fees and charges collected by Calderdale libraries , broken down into categories.

Domestic electricity and gas estimates by postcode in Great Britain

Statistics on the consumption of domestic electricity and gas broken down by postcode in Great Britain.

Hampshire Offroad Cycle Routes

Hampshire's promoted off road cycle routes - broken down into 4 "packs", North, South East and West