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1,256 results found

Superfast broadband availability (%)

Superfast broadband availability (%)

Broadband/Full Fibre Availability

Percentage of premises with Full Fibre Broadband coverage.Percentage of premises with broadband speed under 30Mbit/s.Number of all premises.Number of residential premises.

UK fixed-line broadband performance

Data on the performance of UK residential fixed-line broadband services. These data show the actual broadband speeds received by a sample of consumers who have had speed monitoring equipment...

Broadband Performance Indicators Quarterly Publication

Number of premises covered per £million of broadband delivery progamme expenditure. Source agency: Culture, Media and Sport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Superconnected cities broadband

Leeds City Council and City of Bradford MDC are working together on a variety of digital projects under the ‘Superconnected Cities’ banner. One such project is to work with Small and Medium-sized...

Availability of Ultrafast Broadband in PKC

Availability of Superfast (% of Premises) – Percentage of premises that have at least Superfast Broadband coverage (30Mbit/s or greater, includes premises with access to Ultrafast speeds)...

Availability of Superfast Broadband in PKC

Availability of Superfast (% of Premises) – Percentage of premises that have at least Superfast Broadband coverage (30Mbit/s or greater, includes premises with access to Ultrafast speeds)...

OFCOM Fixed Broadband Speeds

Ofcom annual reports on the UK’s fixed broadband, mobile and WiFi networks, digital television, digital radio and internet infrastructure. Ofcom gathers [data from the main fixed broadband...

Average broadband download speed (Mb/s)

Average broadband download speed (Mb/s) *This indicator has been discontinued

Broadband speeds in Calderdale

This data set summarise broadband speed and quality in small areas in Calderdale including census output area (COA), lower layer super output area (LSOA), and medium layer super output area (MSOA)....

Superfast Broadband Coverage at Postcode Level, OFCOM 2014

Broadband Speed and Mobile Coverage at Postcode Sector Level

Broadband Magnetotelluric data from the St Austell area, Cornwall, UK

The dataset contains the raw timeseries of broadband magnetotelluric data collected at 10 sites around St Austell, Cornwall and one remote site in Bodmin Moor, Cornwall. Data were collected by BGS...

North Sea GOV Gear Trials 2007/08 - Fisheries Science Partnership

To quantify the rate of escape of commercially targeted fish underneath the ground gear and through the gaps between the fishing line and ground gear of the GOV trawl used in the North Sea...

Broadband seismic data collected as part of the Macquarie Ridge experiment from 2020-2021 (NERC Grant NE/T000082/1)

Broadband seismic data collected as part of the Macquarie Ridge experiment from 2020-2021. OBSs were deployed around Macquarie Island, while terrestrial stations were deployed on Macquaire Island...

Gear selectivity in the Irish Sea 2004/05 - Fisheries Science Partnership

To examine the effect on catches of using 80mm and 110mm cod-ends in the eastern and western Irish Sea plaice fishery using twin-rig otter trawls. To investigate the bycatch of cod in the eastern...

Ofcom Connected Nations (previously called Infrastructure Report) - UK internet speeds and coverage: broadband, wifi and mobile

Ofcom's annual reports on the UK’s fixed broadband coverage, mobile and wifi network coverage, digital television, digital radio and internet infrastructure. Please see our terms of use for our...

Gridded estimates of hourly areal rainfall for Great Britain (1990-2014) [CEH-GEAR1hr]

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. The dataset contains 1km gridded estimates of hourly rainfall for Great-Britain for the period 1990-2014. The estimates are derived by applying the nearest...

North East nephrops gear selectivity 2004/05 - Fisheries Science Partnership

An investigation into the potential for improving the selectivity for whitefish in the North Sea Nephrops fishery using a cut-away headline trawl. The main objectives were to obtain selectivity...

Gridded estimates of daily and monthly areal rainfall for the United Kingdom (1890-2014) [CEH-GEAR]

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. 1 km gridded estimates of daily and monthly rainfall for Great-Britain and Northern Ireland (together with approximately 3000 km2 of catchment in the Republic of...

Gridded estimates of daily and monthly areal rainfall for the United Kingdom (1890-2019) [CEH-GEAR]

1 km gridded estimates of daily and monthly rainfall for Great-Britain and Northern Ireland (together with approximately 3000 km2 of catchment in the Republic of Ireland) from 1890 to 2019. The...