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        287 results found

        Dead Weight Pricing Reporting

        Dead Weight Pricing Reporting Inspections undertaken

        Taxonomic data, brain, and neuropil volume measurements of Ithomiini butterflies, Orellana Province, Ecuador, 2011-2012

        This dataset presents taxonomic data, and neuropil volume measurements of sensory structures in the brains of wild caught ithomiini butterflies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Danainae), within a single...

        2006 Marijke de Boer Dead Bird and Fish Archived Data

        Ad hoc sightings of dead birds and fish at locations in cornwall in 2006/7. Photographs archived in DASSH.

        2006 Marijke de Boer Dead Bird and Fish Archived Data

        Ad hoc sightings of dead birds and fish at locations in cornwall in 2006/7. Photographs archived in DASSH.

        Brain - Rolling Stock leasing

        Collection of confidential (commercial) leasing information taken off rolling stock leases incorporated into a Excel spreadsheet.

        Gift Aid Economic Research Data

        Survey data used in 'Gift Aid Donor Research'. Updated: one off. Data coverage: 2009/10

        Gift Aid Economic Research Data

        Survey data used in 'Gift Aid Donor Research'. Updated: one off. Data coverage: 2009/10

        DFID Pakistan Floods Monitor

        Information about response to Pakistan floods. The dataset contains types of UK aid funding by sector (eg nutrition, water, health), UK aid by allocation to partners, and the top 20 global donors...

        Help for Water Rights Trading Data (England)

        This information has been provided to help people who want to trade access to water either by being a donor or receiving. Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database...

        Payroll Giving

        Provides annual information on the number of donors, amounts donated and cost of relief for the payroll giving scheme. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Charitable...

        Diagnostic Imaging Dataset Statistics

        Provisional monthly data on diagnostic imaging tests on NHS patients in England. Includes estimates of GP usage of direct access to chest imaging, non-obstetric ultrasound and MRI brain scans which...

        Diagnostic Imaging Dataset Statistics

        Provisional monthly data on diagnostic imaging tests on NHS patients in England. Includes estimates of GP usage of direct access to chest imaging, non-obstetric ultrasound and MRI brain scans which...

        Index To The National Geological Records Centre Accessions Collection.

        Index to acquisitions and donations of all types of geological record data. This information has been received from a variety of external organisations including public bodies and commercial...

        2022 Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) Fal and Helford SAC Drop Down Video Maerl Habitat and Classification Survey

        Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Cornwall IFCA) carried out a survey between May and July in 2022 of the maerl feature of the Fal and Helford Special Area of Conservation...

        2022 Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) Fal and Helford SAC Drop Down Video Maerl Habitat and Classification Survey

        Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Cornwall IFCA) carried out a survey between May and July in 2022 of the maerl feature of the Fal and Helford Special Area of Conservation...

        London NHS Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) activity

        London NHS Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) activity. The workbook includes information at aggregated pan-London level, and individual HASU level, on the following: Number of beds in HASU Number...

        Timeliness of reporting births between 1 January to 30 June 2008

        This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains birth registrations that have cleared Cattle Tracing System validation for birth applications received between January to June 2008....

        Timeliness of reporting Births between 1 January to 30 June 2007

        This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains birth registrations that have cleared Cattle Tracing System validation for birth applications received between January to June 2007....

        Timeliness of reporting Births between 1 July to 31 December 2008

        This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains birth registrations that have cleared Cattle Tracing System validation for birth applications received between July to December 2007....

        Modern Correlatives for Old Soil Series

        This product lists the modern correlative for (dead) soil series that are no longer separated in the current classification