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3 results found

Tomographic data of tubular fossils from the Ediacaran Weng'an Doushantuo biota (NERC grant NE/J018325/1)

The data are from X-ray tomographic analyses of tubular fossils. All scans were carried out using Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Tomographic Microscopy (SRXTM) except for specimen SMNH X 5324 which...

Continental extension leading to breakup: determining the 3D structure of the west Galicia rifted margin (NERC Grant NE/E015883/1)

The data result from a cooperative project between the U.K., U.S., Germany, Spain, and Portugal. This 2013 seismic experiment surveyed the Galicia Bank region off Iberia with the RV Marcus...

Whole rock geochemistry data for coal, shale and other low temperature sedimentary settings (NERC Grant NE/M010953/1)

Whole rock and sediment geochemical data covering a range of elements, where values are given in ppm (parts per million) or as a % (percentage). The data is ordered chronologically in an excel...