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HPI: Health care resourcing for medical, surgical and psychiatric specialties

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Health care resourcing: Net health care expenditure (inpatient and outpatients) per capita for medical, surgical and psychiatric specialties Source:...

MMO1073 Potential Future Beneficial Use Locations

This dataset details the potential locations for future beneficial use of dredged material within the South marine plan area. Records have been digitised for specific stretches of coast in the...

MMO1073 Planned Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Projects

This dataset details the planned beneficial use of dredged material projects in the South marine plan area. These records have been gathered from the MMO 1073 Stakeholder Survey. For up to date...

MMO1073 Potential Future Beneficial Use Locations Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset details the potential locations for future beneficial use of dredged material within the South marine plan area. Records have been digitised for specific stretches of coast in the...

MMO1073 Potential Future Beneficial Use Locations Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset details the potential locations for future beneficial use of dredged material within the South marine plan area. Records have been digitised for specific stretches of coast in the...

MMO1073 Planned Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Projects Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This dataset details the planned beneficial use of dredged material projects in the South marine plan area. These records have been gathered from the MMO 1073 Stakeholder Survey. For up to date...

MMO1073 Planned Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Projects Web Feature Service (WFS)

This dataset details the planned beneficial use of dredged material projects in the South marine plan area. These records have been gathered from the MMO 1073 Stakeholder Survey. For up to date...

NHS Workforce - Doctors - by Grade and Specialty

These statistics relate to the contracted positions within English NHS organisations and may include those where the person assigned to the position is temporarily absent, for example on maternity...

Clinical/social care negligence cases

Details the number of clinical/social care negligence cases open, settled and closed each year, the specialty or nature of incident of cases involved and the amount of damages and legal costs...

Inpatient waiting times

Details information on the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting at the end of each quarter, for Inpatient and Day Case admissions at Health and Social Care (HSC) Trusts in...

Outpatient Waiting Times

Details information on the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting, for a first appointment at a consultant-led outpatient service and integrated clinical assessment and treatment...

Hospital Statistics

The Hospital Statistics publication shows activity data analysed by Programme of Care. Specialty tables covering both inpatients and outpatients along with a Key Points document showing...

Available Beds

Information on trends in available beds, occupancy, mean stay and throughput by NHS Board and specialty. From March 2011 this publication will be part of a new quarterly publication - the "Acute...

Derelict land

Previously developed land that is unused or may be available for redevelopment by land type and Planning AuthorityNotes: Land so damaged by previous industrial or other development that it is...

Share Ownership

The latest Share Ownership report gives details of beneficial ownership of UK listed companies as at 31 December. This is provided in terms of National Accounts classifications. Source agency:...

Northern Ireland Outpatient Statistics

The publication relates to activity at consultant led outpatient services in Health and Social Care hospitals in Northern Ireland. Data includes the number of new and review attendances, missed...

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES): Admitted patient care - other details

Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) is a data warehouse containing records of all patients admitted to NHS hospitals in England. It contains details of every hospital stay in English NHS Hospitals...

Northern Ireland Hospital Statistics: Inpatient and Day Case Activity

This publication presents information on inpatient and day case admission activity at Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland. It details information on Available Beds, Occupied Beds,...

Dental Consultants

Dental Consultants in England Contains: Name and identifying codes for Dental Consultants employed by NHS Trusts in England. The codes are derived from the Practitioner’s General Dental Council...

Nurse-led clinics

Nurse led clinic data in the acute hospital sector of NHSScotland. Contains information on new and total attendances by NHS Board for acute and non-acute specialties. From September 2011 this...