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835 results found

Applications by Position applied for

A list of all Position applied for fields on AccessNI applications including numbers

Laboratory Methane Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in Berea (NERC grant NE/J020753/1)

Data for the figures in the manuscript: S. K. Sahoo, H. Marin-Moreno, L. J. North, I. Falco-Suarez,B. N. Madhusudhan, A. I. Best and T. A. Minshull (2018).Presence and consequences of co-existing...

Ultrasonic Shear Wave Velocity and Attenuation during methane hydrate formation in water saturated sandstone (NERC Grant NE/J020753/1)

This dataset is of laboratory ultrasonic shear wave measurements during methane hydrate formation in water saturated Berea sandstone using pulse echo method. We formed methane hydrate and took...

Published results on the Hydrate Bearing Effective Sediment (HBES) rock physics model (NERC Grant NE/J020753/1)

This excel spreadsheet contains P-wave and S-wave velocity and attenuation data calculated with a novel rock physics model for hydrate bearing sediments. The model has been published in:...

The Effects of Hydrate on the Strength and Stiffness of Sands (NERC grant NE/K00008X/1)

This database is from series of laboratory experiments designed to explore the effect of hydrate cementaion on some sands. This dataset is part of NERC Arctic Landslide-Tsunami Project...

Applied Geology Maps and Sections

This dataset contains the .tif (Tag Image File Format) scans of all the applied geology maps (otherwise known as thematic or environmental) and sections produced as part of "Geological background...

Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the Crown Prosecution Service

Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the Crown Prosecution Service

Achievement and Attainment Tables for GCE/VCE/Applied A/AS and Equivalent Results in England

Now re-named Performance Tables, these statistics contain school and college level information on the performance of pupils reaching the end of their Key Stage 5 education in England. Source...

Analysis of Tier 2 general migrants previous salary and occupation of those eligible to apply for settlement

Examination of the profiles of a cohort of Tier 2 General migrants who were likely to become eligible to apply for settlement in early 2011.

GCE/Applied GCE A/AS and Equivalent Examination Results in England, 2009/10 (Provisional)

This Statistical First Release (SFR) provides the earliest information on the overall achievements of young people in GCE and Applied GCE A-level examinations and other equivalent qualifications....

GCE/Applied GCE A/AS and Equivalent Examination Results in England, 2009/10 (Revised)

This Statistical First Release (SFR) provides revised information on the overall achievements of young people in GCE and Applied GCE examinations and other equivalent qualifications in 2009/10....

Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the Serious Fraud Office

Five key areas of spend have been affected with freezes on: -All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement...

Record level data on cashback scheme, including payments committed, measures applied for etc.

To monitor the take-up, effectiveness and to model future rounds of the incentives scheme.

CRB teaching posts applied for in various post code areas IP14, IP30, IP31, IP32, IP33, IP22, IP24, IP28, IP27, IP29

FOI response: the number of CRB applications with the following terms in the 'post applied' for field in 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 to date: "teacher", "teaching assistant",...

Number of bovine and porcine Artificial Breeding Controls animal licences applied for/issued during 2015

This dataset provides a list of applications received by APHA for the issue of an animal licence for a bovine or porcine animal for semen collection in England during 2015. The animal licence for...

Number of bovine and porcine Artificial Breeding Controls animal licences applied for/issued during 2013

This dataset provides a list of applications received by APHA for the issue of an animal licence for a bovine or porcine animal for semen collection in England during 2013. The animal licence for...

Number of bovine and porcine Artificial Breeding Controls animal licences applied for/issued during 2015

This dataset provides a list of applications received by APHA for the issue of an animal licence for a bovine or porcine animal for semen collection in England during 2015. The animal licence for...

Number of bovine and porcine Artificial Breeding Controls animal licences applied for/issued during 2014

This dataset provides a list of applications received by APHA for the issue of an animal licence for a bovine or porcine animal for semen collection in England during 2014. The animal licence for...

Bubble growth in silicate melts (NERC Grant NE/N002954/1)

Vesicularity (phi) as a function of time for samples of natural hydrated silicate glass (obsidian) from optical dilatrometric analysis. Also numerical model for analysis of dataset and associated...

Geophysical quantification of seafloor greenhouse gas: the effect of gas bubble and hydrate morphology on sediment geophysical properties. (NERC grant NE/J022403/1)

The first dataset consists of the data to accompany the paper 'Modelling acoustic scattering, sound speed, and attenuation in gassy soft marine sediments' by A. Mantouka, H. Dogan, P.R. White and...