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        ancient_woodlands Ancient Woodlands is a polygon dataset which includes attribution on the location of designated Ancient Woodlands within the Tendring District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data...

        Ancient Monuments

        Ancient monuments in Calderdale including location, name and date - Data from Historic England - []( More information can be...

        Ancient trees

        Data showing the location of all the ancient trees in Plymouth prior to 2016. Any changes in the records of ancient trees made since then will not be reflected within this data.

        Ancient Monuments

        Ancient Monuments

        Ancient Monumnents

        Sites of Ancient Monuments

        Ancient Monuments

        Location of Ancient Monuments in Sheffield.

        Ancient Monuments

        Land and property registered as an Ancient Monument.

        Ancient Woodland Inventory

        This dataset comprises of the boundaries of Ancient Woodland sites in Wales. Each site is categorised as either Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW), Restored Ancient Woodland Site (RAWS),...

        Wolverhampton Ancient Woodland

        Ancient Woodland in Wolverhampton

        Ancient Woodland (England)

        The inventory identifies over 52,000 ancient woodland sites in England. Ancient woodland is identified using presence or absence of woods from old maps, information about the wood's name, shape,...

        Ancient Woodland

        Point data showing the locations of ancient woodland with the boundary of St helens MBC. Data is from Natural England but our Trees & Woodlands team contribute to any reviews of the current...


        Foreign languages spoken - Forestr Research employees only


        This is an extract of ArcGIS created polygons showing the extent of Ancient Woodland areas with the borough of Ashford, Kent


        This is an extract of ArcGIS created polygons showing the extent of Ancient Monument related information with the borough of Ashford, Kent.


        This is an extract of ArcGIS polygons showing the extent of Ancient Wooded areas known of by Ashford Borough Council with the borough of Ashford, Kent.

        Sites of Ancient Monuments

        Sites of Ancient Monuments

        Area of Ancient Woodland

        Area of Ancient Woodland

        Scheduled Ancient Monuments

        Scheduled Ancient Monuments in York For further information about scheduled ancient monuments please visit the [City of York Council]( and [Heritage...

        Ancient Woodland Inventory (Scotland)

        In response to a 1980 select committee which recommended that ancient woods should be recognised and treated as a separate category, the NCCs compiled the Inventories of Ancient, Long-established...

        Scheduled Ancient Monuments

        A scheduled monument is an historic building or site that is included in the Schedule of Monuments kept by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. The regime is set out in the Ancient...