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Affects of leakage on ground stability

This national digital GIS product produced by the British Geological Survey indicates the potential for leakage to have a negative effect on ground stability. It is largely derived from the digital...

Water leakage: 1992/3 to 2009/10

Water leakage: 1992/3 to 2009/10

CO2 leakage detection

UKCCSRC Flexible Funding 2020. Experimental data are the acoustic emission (AE) signals collected with three AE sensors when CO2 leak from a CO2 storage cylinder under different pressures....

Distribution input and supply pipe leakage: 1992/93 to 2010/11

Distribution input and supply pipe leakage: 1992/93 to 2010/11

QICS Paper: Modelling Large-Scale CO2 Leakages in the North Sea

A three dimensional hydrodynamic model with a coupled carbonate speciation sub-model is used to simulate large additions of CO2 into the North Sea, representing leakages at potential carbon...

QICS Paper: Impact of sub-seabed CO2 leakage on macrobenthic community structure and diversity

A sub-seabed release of carbon dioxide (CO2) was conducted to assess the potential impacts of leakage from sub-seabed geological CO2 Capture and Storage CCS) on benthic macrofauna. CO2 gas was...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project report: Technology review - laboratory experiments investigating the leakage of geologically stored CO2

This review details the laboratory experiments that have investigated leakage of geologically stored CO2 (as of June 2013). These experiments have covered a range of leakage factors. Knowledge of...

QICS Paper: Detection and impacts of leakage from sub-seafloor deep geological carbon dioxide storage

Fossil fuel power generation and other industrial emissions of carbon dioxide are a threat to global climate1, yet many economies will remain reliant on these technologies for several decades....

Multiple calibrated laboratory images of experiments to determine leakage rates through faults and geological heterogeneities (NERC Grant NE/N016084/1)

Multiple calibrated laboratory images of experiments to determine leakage rates through faults and geological heterogeneities. Two sequences of images, and associated movie (avi file) depicting...

EU Project Report: The RISCS Guide - A guide to potential impacts of leakage from CO2 storage

The RISCS guide summarises the conclusions and recommendations developed by the RISCS Consortium, based on four years of research into the potential impacts of leakage from CO2 storage sites. The...

Raw CO2 and CH4 concentration data from a Picarro CRDS during experiments which tested the utility of methane as a tracer to quantify CO2 leakage into aqueous environments

Raw CO2 and CH4 concentration data from a Picarro Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) during experiments which tested the utility of methane as a tracer to quantify CO2 leakage into aqueous...

Environmental and location data for Malaise trap samples in the leakage belt of the Gola Rainforest National Park, Sierra Leone, November to December 2021

This dataset contains information about the locations and local environmental conditions of 123 Malaise trap samples collected in November-December 2021 in the 908 km2 forested ‘leakage belt’...

Kinetics of enhanced cementation reactions for CO2 leakage remediation and fault healing processes

This dataset presents the amount of different magnesium carbonates under different conditions. Here, using batch reactor experiments and mineralogical characterization, we explored magnesite...

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) in Wales: Runoff Attenuation Features 1% AEP

Runoff Attenuation Features Potential is our best estimate of locations of high flow accumulation across the land surface or in smaller channels, where it may be possible to temporarily store...

QICS Paper: Detection of CO2 leakage from a simulated sub-seabed storage site using three different types of pCO2 sensors

This work is focused on results from a recent controlled sub-seabed in situ carbon dioxide (CO2) release experiment carried out during May–October 2012 in Ardmucknish Bay on the Scottish west...

QICS Paper: Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment. Part 2 – Modelling.

An oceanic two-phase plume model is developed to include bubble size distribution and bubble interactions, applied to the prediction of CO2 bubble plume and CO2 solution dynamics observed from the...

CO2 release field experiment global metadata

Compilation of CO2 release field experiments conducted worldwide for which the research results are publicly available prior to May 2017. This includes 14 field sites and 41 field experiments. For...

QICS Paper: Mapping observations using AUV and numerical simulations of leaked CO2 diffusion in sub-seabed CO2 release experiment at Ardmucknish Bay

A controlled sub-seabed CO2 release experiment (QICS: quantifying and monitoring potential impacts of geological carbon storage) was conducted in Ardmucknish Bay, Scotland, in 2012, to quantify the...

QICS Paper: Phosphorus behavior in sediments during a sub-seabed CO2 controlled release experiment

The CO2 controlled release experiment “Quantifying and Monitoring Potential Ecosystem Impacts of Geological Carbon Storage” (QICS) assessed the impacts of potential CO2 leakage from sub-seabed...

QICS Paper: Review and implications of relative permeability of CO2/brine systems and residual trapping of CO2

The adoption of carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a method of mitigating anthropogenic CO2 emissions will depend on the ability of initial geological storage projects to demonstrate secure...