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22 results found

Physico-chemical characterization of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash derived from UK bioenergy production

This dataset contains nitrogen data from nitrate, ammonium and nitrite, total nitrogen and carbon data, and elemental composition data from anaerobic digestate and biomass ash from UK bioenergy...

Riverine nitrogen gas production by anaerobic ammonium oxidation across contrasting geologies

This dataset contains anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and denitrification activity of riverine sediments in the Hampshire Avon catchment (UK). Nine rivers within sub-catchments of...

Chemical composition of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends as a result of storage

The dataset contains the chemical compositional changes occurred in anaerobic digestate, with and without biomass ash, simulating storage conditions during 128 days. Additionally, Sulphuric Acid...

Dewaterability potential of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends using polymer dose approach

The dataset contains the chemical composition of anaerobic digestates derived from source-segregated food waste & agro-waste, with and without biomass ash, after the addition commercial polymer...

Organic Statistics Database: Access database on Anaerobic digestion strategy (ADS) applications/payments

The Organics Statistics (Access) database holds information on organic operators in the UK including the names and addresses of producers, processors, importers and statistical information relating...

NI 192 - Household waste recycled and composted

Indicator measuring the percentage of household waste arisings which have been sent by the Authority for reuse, recycling, composting or treatment by anaerobic digestion.

NI 191 - Residual household waste per head

Indicator measuring the number of kilograms of household waste collected that is not sent for reuse, recycling or is not composted or anaerobic digestion per head of the population. This includes...

Needle's Eye Depth Core Ion Torrent FASTQ Data (NERC Grant NE/L000326/1)

Soil depth core collected from the Needle’s Eye site in Dumfries, Scotland. Clear plastic depth core was lowered into a bog within the site, excised, and capped at the top and bottom. Core was...

Needle's Eye Depth Core (Control) Ion Torrent FASTQ Data (NERC Grant NE/L000326/1)

Soil depth core collected from the Needle’s Eye site in Dumfries, Scotland. Clear plastic depth core was lowered into a bog within the site, excised, and capped at the top and bottom. Core was...

Employment tenancies

MS Access database on Anaerobic digestion strategy (ADS) applications/payments Database (Access) and Excel spreadsheet for Agricultural Land Tribunals (ALTs) cases and Gangmasters Licensing...

NI 192 - Household waste recycled and composted

Indicator measuring the percentage of household waste arisings which have been sent by the Authority for reuse, recycling, composting or treatment by anaerobic digestion. Source: WasteDataFlow...

Irish Sea Mud Patch Depth Cores Ion Torrent FASTQ Data (NERC Grant NE/L000326/1)

Two sediment depth cores were collected from a mud sediment patch at the sea floor of the Irish Sea. Cores were collected by the University of Manchester. Cores were sliced at 1 cm intervals from 0...

Loch Etive Depth Cores Ion Torrent FASTQ Data (NERC Grant NE/L000326/1)

Two sediment depth cores were collected from the floor of Loch Etive, near Oban, Scotland. Slicing was performed in an anaerobic bag. Samples were taken at 0.5 cm increment between 0 - 2 cm, 1 cm...

Ravenglass Depth Cores Ion Torrent FASTQ Data (NERC Grant NE/L000326/1)

Two sediment depth cores were collected from the River Esk estuary during low tide near the town of Ravenglass, UK. Cores were collected by the University of Manchester. Cores were sliced at 1 cm...

Energy For Nature - biomass energy, Somerset levels – using surplus biomass from habitat management for renewable energy generation. Wetland biomass data and analysis

Average costs incurred by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) for reed bed management based on business as usual techniques (Table 2.1) Potential supply of wetland vegetation for...

Nitrogen transformations in riverine sediments, Hampshire Avon, United Kingdom

The dataset contains denitrification, anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and nitrification activity of riverine sediments in the Hampshire Avon catchment (UK). Six rivers within sub-catchments...

NI 191 - Residual household waste per head

Indicator measuring the number of kilograms of household waste collected that is not sent for reuse, recycling or is not composted or anaerobic digestion per head of the population. This includes...

Corrosivity Map for the UK

The dataset is a Soil Corrosivity Map for the U.K. based on the BGS DIGMapGB-PLUS Map. The creation of this dataset involves scoring the Soil Parent Material types for five different attributes...

Concentrations of hydrocarbons and inorganic parameters in a network of groundwater wells impaired by an underground blowout

On December 1, 1965, an underground blowout during an exploratory drill with a catastrophic outcome occurred near Sleen, The Netherlands. During approximately 2.5 months, near-continuous leakage of...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA6 Technical Report - The Distribution and extent of methane-derived authigenic carbonate (Irish Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA6) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). Methane-derived...