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        1,872 results found

        Age (five year age bands)

        Population by age Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA), Ward, Local...

        Age - one year age bands (2001 Census)

        Population by age Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA), Ward, Local...

        Relative Age Profile

        Percentage of the population aged 0-15 years, percentage of the population of working age (16-64 Males, 16-59 Females) and percentage of the population aged 60+ (Females) and 65+ (Males), by SOA.

        Ageing Population

        Percentage of the total population who are of retirement age (60+ Females, 65+ Males), by SOA.

        Working Age

        This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to working age adults’ health in Camden.

        working age families

        Adults of working age who receive additional allowances for dependent children - a subset of claimants who appear on the DWP working age client group dataset. Source: Department for Work and...

        Old age dependency ratios

        Change in ratio of working age to older age people at district level, projected over a 25 year period

        Ageing in the UK Datasets

        These data tables underlie the ‘Ageing in the UK’ interactive mapping tool. Using the tool helps bring these data alive, allowing you to analyse the age structure of the population at the local...

        'Ageing in the UK' datasets

        Paints a picture of the people aged 50 and over in the UK today. It includes information on their characteristics, lifestyles and experiences, placing particular emphasis on changes with...

        LSOA - Mid 2018 – Population estimates by age bands and single year of age

        Mid-2018 Population Estimates for Lower Super Output Areas in Leicester by Age and Age bands.  Data was originally published 25 October 2019.

        MSOA - Mid 2018 – Population estimates by age bands and single year of age

        Mid-2018 Population Estimates for Middle Layer Super Output Areas in Leicester by Age bands and Age.  Data was originally published 25 October 2019.

        Aged sorption of pesticides

        Development of guidance on the implementation of aged soil sorption studies into regulatory exposure assessments

        Average age of rolling stock

        This is the average age of rolling stock. Data is available by sector and train company. All rail vehicles leased from rolling stock leasing companies (ROSCOs) by train operators that have a...

        Unemployment statistics by age

        This Data has been sourced from LG Inform Plus and shows the percentage in terms of age for unemployment in Plymouth.

        Age Participation Index (API)

        Proportion of young people in Scotland entering full-time Higher Education. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Age...

        Population estimates by broad age band

        Population estimates for broad age groups including working age, pensionable age and children aged 0-15. Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS): Population and Demography Publisher:...

        Focus On The Digital Age

        This report gives an overview of the digital age across society and economy in the UK. It shows the extent to which people, education, business and government have taken up information and...

        Direct payments: Aged 65+

        Older people aged 65+ receiving direct payments Source: CSCI Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) Publisher: Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) Geographies: County/Unitary Authority,...

        Pensionable age DWP client group

        The information in this dataset refers to numbers of Pensionable Age Benefit Claimants and is derived from a 100% data source; the Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study (WPLS). The dataset provides...

        Library computer use by age

        This data set shows IT use, by age, in Leeds libraries on a monthly basis.