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        5,139 results found

        Planning Application Advertisement Consent

        Guidance, criteria and forms for Advertisement Consent can be found below. The term advertisement covers a very wide range of advertisements and signs including: * Posters and notices * ...

        Area of Special Control of Advertisements

        The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992 The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007

        Allerdale Advertisement Control Exclusion Areas

        Allerdale Planning Constraint on Advertisement Control Exclusion Areas. Expressed as Polygons

        Allerdale Area Special Control Advertisement

        Allerdale Planning Constraint on Areas of Special Control on Advertisement. Expressed as polygons

        Advertising Contact

        Advertising Contact details and correspondence with manufacturers and Importers. Market surveillance reports includes records relating to the criminal justice system.

        Advertising hoarding sites

        > List of council-owned advertising sites.

        Marketing & Advertising Exemption

        Marketing & Advertising spend that is exempt from public sector moratoria set out in the spending review.

        Allerdale Advertising Control Land Charge

        Advertising Control order recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

        North Lincolnshire Council Area of Special Control of Advertisements

        An Area of Special Control of Advertisements is an area specifically defined by the planning authority because they consider that its scenic, historical, architectural or cultural features are so...

        Planning applications

        List of planning applications data varying from advertisment control to full planning applications. Additonal Information Please click the following link more more information:...

        Planning casework service

        Holds records relating to the Inspectorate's processing of planning\enforcement\listed building\conservation area consent\lawful development certificate\advertisement appeals where the decision is...

        Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend on advertising and marketing in the Home Office: spend control data

        Details of exceptions to the government's moratorium on third-party spend at the Home Office on advertising and marketing.

        Business Plan/Command Plan

        Business Plan/Command Plan

        Impact indicator: planning authorities with local plan

        Percentage of local planning authorities having an adopted local plan #### How the figure is calculated: It is the number of Local Planning Authorities with an adopted plan as a percentage of...


        Find the info about council planning more quickly

        Planning Applications

        Details of all current and historic planning applications received by London Borough of Barnet that we hold electronic records for since 1965. A person proposing to alter, extend, build or change...

        Local Plan Planning Strategy 2011-2028

        Hastings Local Plan Planning Strategy 2011-2028 planning constraints including Protected Green and Open Spaces and Cycle Routes (Polygon Data). This data is a digitised version of the Hastings...

        Planning Applications

        This dataset is not the "Planning Register" as described in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010; which is currently provided via Public Access...

        Management Plans

        Management Plans provide a simpler alternative to Forest Plans for woodlands under 100 hectares. They are required as part of the eligibility criteria for SRDP grants. However no grant payments...

        Hastings Local Plan The Hastings Planning Strategy and Development Management Plan

        Hastings Local Plan - The Hastings Planning Strategy 2011-2028 AND Development Management Plan planning constraints including Protected Green and Open Spaces and Development Sites. This Polygon...