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646 results found

Mergers and Acquisitions involving UK companies

Latest data on domestic and overseas acquisitions, disposals and mergers. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Mergers...

Council Acquisitions

Asset Acquisitions from 2012.The data will be updated annually.

NI 016 - Serious acquisitive crime rate

This measure will focus on the number of serious acquisitive crimes against the resident population (per 1000 population)

OGA Quadrants ETRS89

Quadrants (1 degree by 1 degree grid) covering both onshore and offshore UK

OGA Quadrants WGS84

Quadrants (1 degree by 1 degree grid) covering both onshore and offshore UK  

OGA Quadrants ED50

Quadrants (1 degree by 1 degree grid) covering both onshore and offshore UK

NSTA Quadrants (ETRS89)

Quadrants (1 degree by 1 degree grid) covering both onshore and offshore UK

NSTA Quadrants (ED50)

Quadrants (1 degree by 1 degree grid) covering both onshore and offshore UK

NSTA Quadrants (WGS84)

Quadrants (1 degree by 1 degree grid) covering both onshore and offshore UK

Mergers & Acquisitions involving UK companies

This survey measures estimates of the value and numbers of mergers, acquisitions and disposals involving UK companies (inward, outward and domestic) with values of £1.0 million or greater. Only...

NSTA - Quadrants

Locate quadrants and download PDF maps containing oil and gas activity data at different scales (quadrant, regional, and UKCS).

Right to Buy funded starts on site and acquisitions, England, by Local Authority area

These statistics are quarterly and relate only to starts on site and acquistions made by local authorities under the Right to Buy scheme and exclude starts and aquisitions made by the Homes and...

Data Acquisition System in the Low Background Laboratory at Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards (CRCE) Chilton

Data Acquisition System in the Low Background Laboratory at CRCE Chilton used with gamma-ray spectrometry systems

NSTA Quadrants WGS84 FS


Calverton NP North West Quadrant Urban Extension

Owner Occupied Housing costs using the Net Acquisitions approach

Owner Occupied Housing costs using the Net Acquistions approach

Expenditure on local authority owned dwellings that received other "Capital" works - acquisitions - General Needs

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Expenditure on local authority owned dwellings that received other "Capital" works - acquisitions - Supported Housing

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Number of local authority owned dwellings that received other "Capital" works - acquisitions - Supported Housing

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...

Number of local authority owned dwellings that received other "Capital" works - acquisitions - General Needs

The purpose of the Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) is to bring together information about a non-Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) authority's Housing Revenue Account (HRA) stock. The...