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129 results found

Integrated Accredited Programmes System (IAPS)

Operational database for the management of accredited programme requirements in all probation trusts

Accredited Local Authority Building for Life Assessors 2010

A listing of the 343 Building for Life accredited assessors located in Local authorities plus the data for the accreditation test scores. The accreditation data is for three schemes

CIO-DSAS Accreditation Certificates Issued List

List of accreditation certificates issued with details and date issued. Used to produce certificate number which is based on running number (Acc Team 7, serial , of CIO-DSAS Information Asset...

BRNC - Accreditation office

Britannia Royal Naval College - Information for presentation to the Exam Board for the awarding of the FdSc in Naval/Maritime Studies and DipHE in Marine Studies..

Accredited Certification Body' audit database

Management of audit activity and audit certificates

Scottish ECT Accreditation Network Annual Report

This report summarises data collected via an electronic care pathway installed in all Scottish ECT treatment clinics for the purpose of measuring performance against clinical standards. Information...

Solar photovoltaics deployment

Monthly deployment of solar photovoltaics by capacity and accreditation in the United Kingdom. Accredited Official Statistics

Voluntary register files

Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) Register Files containing contact details of individuals, LGV Accredited Centre Files containing business details & Fleet Accredited Course Files.

Theory test contract security documentation

Audit reports and accreditation documentation.

Fuel Poverty in England

Statistics and analysis of Fuel Poverty in England. Accredited Official Statistics

Essex Thameside Data site

Holds information, in lieu of a physical data room for accredited bidders.

Petrol and diesel prices

Weekly average UK prices of unleaded petrol and diesel Accredited Official Statistics

Thameslink Rolling Stock Project Data Site

Web-based. Holds information, in lieu of a physical data room, for accredited bidders.

Sub-national electricity consumption

Statistics on the consumption of electricity broken down by local authority. Accredited Official Statistics

Sub-national gas consumption

Statistics on the consumption of gas broken down by local authority. Accredited Official Statistics

Companies with Breastfeeding Charter Mark

Data showing a list of locations of companies that are accredited with the Breastfeeding Charter Mark.

Sub-national total final energy consumption

Statistics of total final energy consumption at country, regional and local authority level. Accredited Official Statistics

Energy Trends: quarterly data

Statistics providing a comprehensive picture of energy production, trade and use in the UK. Accredited Official Statistics

Renewables Obligation: certificates and generation

Monthly data on the number of certificates issued for generation under the Renewables Obligation. Accredited Official Statistics

Sub-national road transport consumption

Statistics on the consumption of petrol and diesel broken down by local authority and vehicle type. Accredited Official Statistics