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        341 results found

        Christchurch Borough Council Land Terrier 2017

        Christchurch Borough Council Land Terrier 2017

        East Dorset District Council Land Terrier Jan 2018

        East Dorset District Council Land Terrier Jan 2018


        Land in CBC Council ownership not showing sales. Historic dataset. Has not been accurately updated for approximately 5 years and the accuracy of the data cannot be verified.

        Yorkshire Ambulance Service Data

        Yorkshire Ambulance Service Data

        North Yorkshire JSNA Introduction

        North Yorkshire JSNA Introduction

        Land Terrier Assets

        Land and property Assets owned by Worcestershire County Council

        Property Terrier Holdings

        Dataset showing land and property in the ownership of Sheffield City Council (SCC). The land and property parcels included in this dataset may be subject, in whole, or part, to third party...

        Yorkshire & Humberside Business Plan

        Yorkshire & Humberside Relationship Team Business Plan

        Yorkshire & Humberside Horizon Scan

        Yorkshire & Humberside Relationship Team College / Provider Horizon Scan

        Spend in Yorkshire Forward

        A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending made by Yorkshire Forward., as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. Software changes would be required...

        Yorkshire & Humberside Local Implementation Plan

        Yorkshire & Humberside Relationship Team Local Implementation Plan

        Yorkshire & Humberside Communication Data Base

        Yorkshire & Humberside Communication Data Base This includes contact details for all colleges and providers.

        NYMNPA Yorkshire Wolds Way National Trail

        Linear dataset showing the extent of the Yorkshire Wolds Way. National Trails are long distance walking, cycling and horse riding routes through the best landscapes in England and Wales. The...

        North Yorkshire Landscape Character Assessment GIS Data

        Dataset Description GIS layers in Mapinfo Tab, ESRI Shape and GeoJSON formats, for the different landscape character types in North Yorkshire. PLEASE NOTE - NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNCIL LANDSCAPE...

        North Yorkshire and York PNA 2011

        North Yorkshire and York Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2011

        Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment: Yorkshire and Lincolnshire

        The Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment (RCZA) was undertaken by Humber Field Archaeology on behalf of English Heritage. The project consisted of a desk based rapid coastal...

        Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment: Yorkshire and Lincolnshire

        The Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment (RCZA) was undertaken by Humber Field Archaeology on behalf of English Heritage. The project consisted of a desk based rapid coastal...

        East Riding of Yorkshire Allotmentsv1

        This is a polygon dataset showing the location of allotments in the East Riding of Yorkshire. It was created for a specific project and may also small private areas of land where food is grown but...

        East Riding of Yorkshire Contaminated Landv2

        This is a polygon dataset showing the location of Contaminated Land within the East Riding of Yorkshire. Although every attempt has been made to identify all such premises within the East Riding of...

        East Riding of Yorkshire Nox Tubesv1

        This is a point datasete showing the location of NOx tubes within the East Riding of Yorkshire. Although every attempt has been made to identify all such locations within the East Riding of...