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8 results found

Flood modelling simulations for Can Tho city, Vietnam

The dataset describes the inundation results simulated by high-performance integrated hydrodynamic modelling system (HiPIMS) model for the pluvial flooding and fluvial flooding in Can Tho city...

Water chemistry from the Red River Delta, Vietnam, 2018 to 2020

The dataset contains physical, chemical and biological measurements from the waters of 21 river sites across the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam. The data were collected monthly between...

Stable isotope and U/Th speleothem measurements from Vietnam, 200,000–334 years BP

[This dataset is embargoed until November 3, 2025]. The data includes carbon and oxygen stable isotopes together with top and bottom U-Th ages of stalagmites collected in Northwest, Central and...

Fluvial and pluvial flood maps for the central highlands of Vietnam and surrounding provinces, 2022

This dataset contains river (fluvial) and surface water (pluvial) flooding maps for the central highlands of Vietnam and surrounding provinces. Flood depth is estimated at 30m horizontal grid...

Modelled storm surge and total water level return periods along the coastline of China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand (1980-2050).

This dataset provides modelled storm surge and total water levels along the South China Sea region (coastline of China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand) for the period 1980-2050. Three return period...

Water and suspended sediment discharges for the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (2005-2015)

This dataset describes hourly time series of discharge and suspended sediment flux at four sites in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (Chau Doc, Tan Chau, Can Tho and My Thaun) for the period 2005 –...

Modelled fluvial flood hazard maps in Vietnam for the period 2070-2100

This dataset contains fluvial flood maps of the present day 1 in 20 year return period, and corresponding flood extents for 3 SSP (Shared Socioeconomic Pathway)/RCP(Representative Concentration...

Chemical data for River waters and sequential extractions from river sediments (NERC grant NE/K000705/1)

Paired water and river sediment samples were collected from Vietnam Australia, Cambodia and Nepal. Waters were analysed for major ions, Sr isotopes and Mg isotopes. Sediments were sequentially...