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Interest features and linked critical load/level values for UK protected sites

This dataset contains the critical load and level values for designated habitats and species (where there is an appropriate match) at protected sites across the UK. The data is available for...

Assembly Member Register of Interests

Declaration of personal interests by the Mayor's Office. The 25 Members of the London Assembly and the Mayor of London are required to declare their personal interests in the Standing Register of...

Mayor's Office Register of Interests

Declaration of personal interests by the Mayor's Office. The Mayor of London is required to declare personal interests in the Standing Register of Interests. He/she must register these details...

Road Link

A Road Link is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of a road network between two points in the network. Road Links can represent single carriageways, dual...

Path Link

A Path Link is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of the path network between two points in the network. Path Links will be split for connectivity purposes (for...

Linked Data

The linked data is developmental and is produced from linking existing administrative data sources together to create a new valuable information asset which is being used for a variety of purposes.

Accessibility Areas Interest

areas on interest relating to access route.

Connecting Link

The Road and Path Networks are not topologically structured together. Connecting Links have been introduced to enable a connection between the Road Network and the Path Network without splitting...

Points of Interest

Points of Interest® is the most comprehensive, location-based directory of all public and privately-owned businesses, education and leisure services in Britain. Points of Interest contains over...


This extract is taken from ArcGIS created polygons showing areas of Conservation Interest in the borough of Ashford, Kent

Ferry Link

A Ferry Link is a linear spatial object which represents the connectivity of a vehicular ferry route across a body of water. A Ferry Link will only be captured where both terminals are located...

Pavement Link

A subsection of the road link geometry that indicates where there is pavement on either side of the road. Temporal filtering

Railway Link

A Railway Link is a linear feature that defines the geometry and connectivity of the Rail Network between two points in the network.

Green Links

Areas of linked but separate open spaces and the footpaths between them. Accessible to the public, covers other pedestrian & cycle routes ie not green see LDF Core Strategy Appendix 4

List of Ministers' Interests

Under the terms of the Ministerial Code, ministers must ensure that no conflict arises, or could reasonably be perceived to arise, between their ministerial position and their private interests,...

Register of Directors Interests

FCO(S) - Register of Interests for FCO Service Board Members

Places of interest

Polygon layer recording places of interest/tourist attractions in the City. This dataset was created to make mapping of these features easier. Data is created from the Ordnance Survey Mastermap...

Habitat - Special Interest Verges

Dataset shows Special Interest Verges within the boundaries of North Yorkshire County Council but excluding the 2 National Parks (Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors)

Interest liable (£) to suppliers due to late payment of invoices (including interest paid)

Interest liable (£) to suppliers due to late payment of invoices (including interest paid) This data along with the [__interest paid (£) to suppliers due to late payment of...

Railway Link Set

A Railway Link Set depicts the full extent of a named railway as one continuous line. It may carry the name in more than one language.