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55 results found

Deaths Registered with MRSA mentioned on the death certificate (Northern Ireland)

Number of deaths registered in Northern Ireland where MRSA was mentioned on the death certificate. Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Designation: National...

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Prosperity (Rank out of 324)

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Prosperity (Rank out of 324) *This indicator has been discontinued

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Resilience & Sustainability (Rank out of 324)

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Resilience & Sustainability (Rank out of 324) *This indicator has been discontinued

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Inclusion & Equality (Rank out of 324)

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Inclusion & Equality (Rank out of 324) *This indicator has been discontinued

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Dynamism & Opportunity (Rank out of 324)

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Dynamism & Opportunity (Rank out of 324) *This indicator has been discontinued

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Overall Rank (Rank out of 324)

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Overall Rank (Rank out of 324) *This indicator has been discontinued

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Health, Wellbeing & Happiness (Rank out of 324)

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Health, Wellbeing & Happiness (Rank out of 324) *This indicator has been discontinued

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Community, Trust and Belonging (Rank out of 324)

Grant Thornton Vibrant Economy Index - Community, Trust and Belonging (Rank out of 324) *This indicator has been discontinued

CM5(Thornton Road)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM5(Thornton Road)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

Rainfall Gauge Thornton Primary

These data were measured using 'industry standard' tipping bucket rain gauges however they should not be considered as necessarily conforming to Met Office standards. Whilst suitable sites were...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1970/1: Irish Sea west of Anglesey (28/01/1970 to 23/02/1970)

Report: Day, GA. 1970. RRS John Murray Cruise 1/70. (IGS Report No 3; 19) Positioning: It is assumed that Main Chain Decca was used athough it is not specifically mentioned in the Cruise Report...

Derbyshire Dales District Council Land and Property Asset Register

Land and Property Assets Register for Derbyshire Dales District Council. Further details of the assets mentioned can be obtained by contacting Derbyshire Dales District Council

NYMNPA Development Policy 18 - Retail Development

The Core Strategy and Development Policies Proposals Maps identify the limits of the commercial area in the town of Helmsley and the villages of Thornton le Dale and Hutton le Hole. The commercial...

Deaths Registered with Clostridium Difficile (Northern Ireland)

Number of deaths registered in Northern Ireland where Clostridium Difficile was mentioned on the death certificate. Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Designation:...

London Register Of Lower Palaeozoic Microfossils From The UK.

The register lists Lower Palaeozoic microfaunas (including "small shelly" faunas), but occasionally mentions small trilobites and various fragments. SAQ1-259 are used, although several numbers have...

Habitat point records from 1974 University of Dundee Loch Eriboll littoral survey

Fifteen sites in Loch Eriboll and approaches form the basis of brief descriptions of the littoral fauna and flora. The main communities are described, including those on bedrock shores, boulder,...

Species point records from 1974 University of Dundee Loch Eriboll littoral survey

Fifteen sites in Loch Eriboll and approaches form the basis of brief descriptions of the littoral fauna and flora. The main communities are described, including those on bedrock shores, boulder,...

Deaths involving MRSA

Deaths where meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was mentioned on the death certificate: by sex, age group and place of death in Wales. National data are available from 1993...

Deaths involving Clostridium difficile

Deaths where Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) was mentioned on the death certificate: by sex, age group and place of death in Wales. National data are available for 1999 and for 2001...