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108 results found

Outward Foreign Affiliates Statistics

This survey measures turnover, employment and the number of foreign affiliates of multinational enterprises where the ultimate controlling institution is within the UK. It looks at foreign...

Foreign Direct Investment

Provides a detailed breakdown of UK foreign direct investment flows, positions (stocks) and earnings (both inward and outward), by country, component and industry. Source agency: Office for...

Employment of Foreign Workers

This publication looks at the employment characteristics of Foreign Workers in the United Kingdom. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Foreign & Commonwealth Office Sustainability Report

This Report gives details of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office's Annual Sustainability information.

Survey of Foreign Vehicle Activity

Survey of foreign HGVs undertaking haulage on UK (3,161 vehicle records). Data collection ceased.

ONS VML Foreign Direct Investment (AFDI)

Collects information relating to direct investment in the UK by foreign enterprises and direct investment abroad by UK based enterprises.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Archive Inventory

In line with our commitment to transparency, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) publishes an inventory of its paper archive records. This inventory supersedes the archive...

Foreign ownership of businesses in the UK

This note and the associated tables have been produced on the request of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) for use by interested parties to assist in analysing and understanding foreign...

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Posts abroad

List of Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) embassies, high commissions, delegations, missions and consulates by country.

Foreign Sliced Rock Collection.

The foreign sliced rock or 'F' collection consists of about 10, 000 specimens and thin sections, cited by their 'F' numbers. These include material archived from recent overseas projects and much...

PCNs in Camden: maximise collection from foreign vehicles

PCNs in Camden: maximise collection from foreign vehicles

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Consular Management Information Data

This data is now published by The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. These data gives information about the Foreign Office Consular data on Consular services provided to British...

Nutrient chemistry of Arctic Lakes in Greenland, Norway, Russia and Alaska

This dataset contains nutrient chemistry data from 14 lakes in the Arctic region: 4 in Russia and Alaska and 3 in Greenland and Norway. Nutrient chemistry was measured on one occasion only at each...

Survey of Foreign Road Goods Vehicles Great Britain

Final results from a Department for Transport survey of foreign-registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in the United Kingdon undertaken from the period May to August 2009. This survey was designed...

Spending over £25,000 in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Foreign & Commonwealth Office publishes details of all departmental spending over £25,000 on a monthly basis. FCO merged with the Department for International Development on 1 September 2020. ...

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Human resources management information

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) data relating to human resources workforce management information summary data.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Consular management Information

These data gives information about the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Consular data on Consular services provided to British nationals worldwide this includes numbers of...

Mesoproterozoic Burzyan and Yurmatau groups, Russia, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and Pb-U data (NERC grant NE/V010824/1)

Organic carbon and total nitrogen isotope data for black shales and U-Pb data for apatite solutes from the Burzyan and Yurmatau groups in the Urals, Russia. For detailed discussion see Stüeken,...

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Ministers gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings

All data on gifts that Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) ministers gave and received, their external meetings and any overseas travel.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Government procurement card spending over £500

All data on Foreign, Development & Commonwealth Office spending over £500 with a government procurement card (GPC) and equivalent e-payment solution (ePCS).