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        Restriction includes turn restrictions, restriction for vehicles, and access restrictions. Turn restrictions are a restriction based upon a vehicle manoeuvre. This type of restriction includes...

        Traffic Restrictions

        Traffic restriction data including, speed restrictions and height and weight restrictions


        GIS polygon dataset identifying the zones where parking restrictions are imposed in the Brentwood Borough. The information includes the restriction code and description, length and area. Digitised...

        Weight Restrictions

        weight restrictions

        Restricted Byways

        Restricted Byways in York

        Restrictive Covenants

        HM Land Registry’s Restrictive Covenants data contains entries made in the Title Register that record binding conditions that determine what an owner can, or cannot do, with their land or property...

        Loading Restrictions LINEFILE

        loading restrictions

        Waiting Restrictions LINEFILE

        waiting restrictions

        Bridge Height Restrictions

        A list of bridges and their height restrictions

        OGA RestrictedBlocks ETRS89

        Blocks on the UKCS with restrictions on oil and gas activity

        OGA RestrictedBlocks WGS84

        Blocks on the UKCS with restrictions on oil and gas activity

        OGA RestrictedBlocks ED50

        Blocks on the UKCS with restrictions on oil and gas activity

        COVID-19 Restrictions Timeseries

        National and local restrictions and policies affecting London, by date. Supplied as an experimental dataset to provide context for analysis of other social or economic datasets, for instance,...

        Waiting, loading and stopping restrictions in Southwark

        Line data showing locations of waiting, loading and stopping restrictions on the highway maintained at public expense by the London Borough of Southwark. They are also known as yellow line...

        YDNPA Occupancy restrictions and legal agreements

        Occupancy is sometimes restricted by means of a planning condition or by a legal agreement. This is an established and valuable mechanism for securing planning matters arising from a development...

        PSPO & Alcohol Restriction Zones

        Dataset containing current and historic Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) , including Alcohol Restriction Zones (ARZ) in York. Please note that Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs) were...

        Current Arms Embargoes and Other Restrictions

        Provides details of current arms embargoes and other relevant restrictions in force with respect to specific countries, on all countries or on terrorist organizations.

        Parking Restrictions and spaces in Barnet

        Data on car parks in barnet, as well as parking spaces and parking restrictions. All information is also displayed in map format on

        Rights of Way - Restricted Byways

        Cheshire West and Chester Council Restricted Byways, a category of Public Rights of Way. The precise legal line of a right of way can only be determined by reference to the Definitive Map (1:10560...

        Wild Bird General Licence Restriction Zone

        Special Areas of Conservation where trapping is not permitted under certain General Licences for wild birds. Relevant licences state whether this exclusion applies. In 2019, changes are being...