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        154 results found

        Admissions timeline

        A dataset showing the key dates for schools admissions in Leeds.  Further information ------------------- * For more information please visit:...

        Library visits

        Libraries play a vital role in bringing together communities and providing a vital social outpost for visitors and residents. This dataset shows the total annual visitor numbers for libraries...

        Dementia cafés in Leeds

        List of all Dementia cafes in Leeds. Additional information  ----------------------- To find out more about dementia cafes and the support available, please click here:...

        Leeds libraries

        A dataset of all libraries in Leeds, including the geolocation, accessibility information, opening times and services offered at each...

        Home adaptations

        A dataset providing information on assisted living adaptations by ward area.  Please note ----------- * For further information on adaptations please...

        Subscribers to Leeds international chamber music

        The following dataset provides a list of areas subscribed to Leeds Chamber Music, for all the latest on Leeds concerts. Further information ------------------- * For further information please...

        Planning statutory newspaper notices

        This dataset lists all the planning statutory newspaper notices which are published in the local print media. Additional information ---------------------- * For further information on...

        War memorials

        A dataset showing the location of war memorials maintained by Leeds City Council. Additional Information ---------------------- * Please note this dataset is reviewed annually though may only...

        Total mortality figures by ward

        A dataset providing total mortality figures by ward broken down by gender.  Further information  For further information on public health related matters visit:...

        Leeds support services

        A dataset showing organisations which provide a support service. This dataset includes local and national organisations, their locations, contact details and the type of support they provide...

        Street lights (unmetered)

        This dataset provides a list of all street lighting apparatus in Leeds that is unmetered (e.g. without an electricty meter). This forms the vast majority of our apparatus. Further...

        Benefit Payments

        Annual benefit claim figures Additional information ---------------------- * Please note the national Council Tax Benefit was replaced by Local Council Tax Support schemes from 1st April...

        Visitor economy data

        A dataset providing visitor economy data In Leeds, including number of days visited, expenditure, visitor profiles and purpose of visit.  Further information ------------------- For further...

        Cemeteries and crematoria

        The following dataset shows a list of open and closed cemeteries and the crematoria maintianed by Leeds City Council, including the Latitiude and Longitude coordinates. Additional...

        Leeds one stop centres and joint service centres

        A dataset of all one stop centres and joint service centres in the Leeds area. The dataset includes services provided by the centres, accessibility, opening times and geospatial information about...

        Councillor allowances and council tax summons

        These datasets shows councillor allowances and any summons made to councillors due to non-payment of council tax. Both datasets are updated on an annual basis. Further...

        Leeds leisure centres and classes

        A dataset providing the location and opening/closing times of leisure centres in Leeds and a live API of classes being run in the leisure centres including name of the class and running...

        Leeds schools all information

        **This page is no longer updated. Please visit the** [**Primary**]( **or**...

        Council spend over £500

        A dataset providing council spend over £500 Addtional information Find out more here:

        Dropped kerb applications

        This dataset provides information on the number of dropped kerb applications received by Leeds City Council per calender year, and the income received from these applications. Further...