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42 results found

Camden Coffee Cup Data

This dataset shows where you can buy a reusable cup, get a discount for using it and other nearby places to recycle single-use cups. This is a community-powered map, hoping to grow the ‘West...

One Planet Council - Travel - Total Cost (£)

One Planet Council - Travel - Total Cost (£)

One Planet Council - Energy - Total Cost (£)

One Planet Council - Energy - Total Cost (£)

One Planet Council - Waste - Total Cost (£)

One Planet Council - Waste - Total Cost (£)

One Planet Council - Water - Total Cost (£)

One Planet Council - Water - Total Cost (£)

One Planet Council - All Resources - Total Cost (£)

One Planet Council - All Resources - Total Cost (£)

One Planet Council - All Resources - Total CO2 (t)

One Planet Council - All Resources - Total CO2 (t). Emissions from the production and processing of fuels.

PLANET' Planning casework database

Data on the progress and status of planning casework, including the personal data of applicants

2007 Natural England Lundy Survey of Leptopsammia pruvoti populations

This report details the findings of a survey of the sunset cup coral Leptopsammia pruvoti population at Lundy. Fieldwork was carried out by a 5-man dive team over three days from 4th to 6th...

2007 Natural England Lundy Survey of Leptopsammia pruvoti populations

This report details the findings of a survey of the sunset cup coral Leptopsammia pruvoti population at Lundy. Fieldwork was carried out by a 5-man dive team over three days from 4th to 6th...

HES LiDAR Project 2016: Data acquired from Blom Aerofilms Ltd (Now part of Cyient Europe Ltd)

This LiDAR data was captured by Blom Aerofilms Ltd (now part of Cyient Europe Limited) for Historic Environment Scotland (HES) as part of the Rae Project, the 3D Digital Documentation of HES’...

1991 English Nature (EN) Lundy Littoral monitoring

This report is a continuation of an intertidal monitoring programme established at Lundy by Hiscock in 1984. The report evaluates the habitat characteristics of rockpool commmunities, cave...

1991 English Nature (EN) Lundy Littoral monitoring

This report is a continuation of an intertidal monitoring programme established at Lundy by Hiscock in 1984. The report evaluates the habitat characteristics of rockpool commmunities, cave...

Habitat point records from 1985-86 Irving Isles of Scilly sublittoral monitoring

The report summarises fieldwork undertaken in 1985 and 1986 in the Isles of Scilly. Photographic monitoring of communities on circalittoral bedrock was continued and changes in populations of...

Species point records from 1985-86 Irving Isles of Scilly sublittoral monitoring

The report summarises fieldwork undertaken in 1985 and 1986 in the Isles of Scilly. Photographic monitoring of communities on circalittoral bedrock was continued and changes in populations of...

Ocean acidification and the Permo-Triassic mass extinction, Ediacaran metazoan reefs from the Nama Group, Namibia. Papers and associated data (NERC Grant NE/I005935/1)

Data and associated papers. Ocean acidification and the Permo-Triassic mass extinction. Ediacaran metazoan reefs from the Nama Group, Namibia. NERC Grant Re-inventing the planet: The Neoproterozoic...

Surface charge and growth of sulphate and carbonate green rust in aqueous media, paper and associated data (NERC grant NE/I005862/1)

Paper, Surface charge and growth of sulphate and carbonate green rust in aqueous media, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta and associated data. NERC grant: Re-inventing the planet: The Neoproterozoic...

Open Data Innovation and Outreach Fund Final Report

OurRagingPlanet (ORP) was desiged as a natural disaster education tool. It aims to help secondary school students contextualize experiences of communities around the world when thrust into extreme...

Surface and Meteorological Data of Saltation and Ripple Dynamics at Huab Dune Field, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia 2014, 2016 and 2018

This dataset includes raw point cloud data from repeat terrestrial laser scans (TLS) of rippled surfaces on barchan and dome dunes within the Huab Dune Field, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia....

Quality of Paleomagnetic Modeling (QPM) data from dynamo simulations

Summary of outputs of 48 numerical geodynamo simulations each run with differing input parameters but in a spherical shell with the geometry of the present day outer core. Outputs mostly pertain to...