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20 results found

Avian data from the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA after a wildfire event, 2021

Bird data comprises point counts of bird species and their abundance observed at each collection site. Data are separated into birds within 50m, greater than 50m distant and birds in flight. These...

Vegetation data from the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA after a wildfire event, 2021

Vegetation survey data comprise per-quadrat species level data and abundances, abundance cover classes (following Braun-Blanquet method), family, growth duration, habitat and native species. Data...

Diatom data from the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA after a wildfire event, 2021 to 2022

Periphyton data consists of diatom scrubs sampled in a range of riffle and pool habitats including diatom taxa counts (identified to genus level) and computed autotrophic index (ratio of the...

Macroinvertebrate data from the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA before and after a wildfire event, 2019 to 2021

Data comprise macroinvertebrate count data (identified to species level), trait and classification information, as well as information on macroinvertebrate biomass and site-specific observations...

Soil data from the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA before and after a wildfire event, 2020 to 2022

Soil data comprises sample depth, moisture content, % sand/silt/clay, texture, and various nitrate/nitrite/carbon metrics. These data were collected from the South Fork McKenzie River, Oregon, USA...

High resolution burn severity data (derived from satellite imagery) for the South Fork McKenzie River in Oregon, USA, before and after a wildfire event, 2020 and 2021

The data comprise Sentinel-2 derived burn severity rasters covering restored and unrestored reaches of the South Fork McKenzie river, Oregon USA. The data were collected in order to quantify...

Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Central Programme Team – Oregon Cash Reports

Monthly spend data [obtained from Rural Payments Agency (RPA]

Predicting marine phytoplankton community size structure from empirical relationships with remotely sensed variables

Abundance and species composition were determined for phytoplankton in 361 water samples collected at 12 sites: five transects from 488N to 508S in the Atlantic Ocean, the Benguela upwelling, the...

Predicting marine phytoplankton community size structure from empirical relationships with remotely sensed variables

Abundance and species composition were determined for phytoplankton in 361 water samples collected at 12 sites: five transects from 488N to 508S in the Atlantic Ocean, the Benguela upwelling, the...

Mineral compositions (WDS-microprobe) of natural zeolites from worldwide localities (NERC grant NE/L002418/1)

This dataset comprises unprocessed microprobe analyses (WDS) of 10-15 natural zeolite samples, using the method of Campbell et al. (2016), and relating to the hypothesis of Campbell et al. (2012)....

HES LiDAR Project 2017: Data acquired from Cyient Europe Ltd

This LiDAR data was captured by Cyient Europe Ltd for Historic Environment Scotland (HES) as part of the Rae Project, the 3D Digital Documentation of HES’ Properties in Care and for other HES...

HES LiDAR Project 2016: Data acquired from Blom Aerofilms Ltd (Now part of Cyient Europe Ltd)

This LiDAR data was captured by Blom Aerofilms Ltd (now part of Cyient Europe Limited) for Historic Environment Scotland (HES) as part of the Rae Project, the 3D Digital Documentation of HES’...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCW00195

Survey name: HOLMES CHAPEL, CRANAGE HALL HOSPITAL Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCW13895

Survey name: Holmes Chapel, Juntion 18, M6 CONGLETON BOROUGH LOCAL PLAN Site 47 Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR99991

Survey name: Iden Green, Chapel Lane Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR18395

Survey name: Chapel Green (Wokingham DLP) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR01089a

Survey name: Lenham, Chapel Farm Lenham Heath Road Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed...

MFIX simulation input files and results of simulation of fragmentation-induced fluidization, and laboratory analyses of volcanic pyroclastic density current material (NERC Grant NE/V014242/1)

MFIX (Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges) simulation input files and results of simulation of fragmentation-induced fluidization, and laboratory analyses of volcanic pyroclastic density...

Directional Waverider Buoy Data

This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA464. The Environment Agency has many offshore wave buoys and these measure specific attributes of waves that pass through the buoys and...

Proposals Map Data

The proposals map for Salford reflects the spatial policies of the adopted development plan. It contains policies from the UDP, the Minerals DPD and the Waste DPD. The datasets included are listed...