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Oak-associated biodiversity in the UK (OakEcol)

This dataset contains a list of all known birds, bryophytes, fungi, invertebrates, lichens and mammals that use oak (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur) in the UK. In total 2300 species are listed...

Oak-associated biodiversity in the UK (OakEcol)

This dataset contains a list of all known birds, bryophytes, fungi, invertebrates, lichens and mammals that use oak (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur) in the UK. In total 2300 species are listed...

Acute Oak decline

Improved understanding of the causes, distribution and scale of Acute Oak Decline in the UK

Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation Boundary

GIS files showing the boundary of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation. Data is available in either [ESRI...

Health & Wellbeing Ward Profile 2013 - Gospel Oak

This health and wellbeing profile gives an overview of the burden of ill health in Gospel Oak, one of Camden's 18 electoral wards, focusing on areas where Councillors can take action to improve...

Oak chloroplast DNA haplotypes in the UK

The main objective was to provide geneticists, ecologists and foresters with an integrated description of oak genetic resources in the form of synthetic maps based on CpDNA polymorphism and...

Dendrochronology data from oak and Scots pine in the south of England

These data are tree ring width series collected from increment cores taken from oak trees in the New Forest, Thetford Forest and Peninsula (Somerset, Devon and Cornwall) regions. The aim of this...

Oak Processionary Moth Survey England 10K Grid 2014-2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Oak Processionary Moth. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the pest was...

Oak spring and autumn phenology data in southern England 2011-2014

These data describe the spring budburst and autumn leaf senescence of mature oak (Quercus robur L.) in productive forests in the New Forest, East Anglia and Devon. The columns are marked springxx...

Tolerance of ash, oak and beech seedlings grown within woodlands to herbicides for the control of bramble (Alice Holt)

The effect of dormant season applications of triclopyr on the growth and survival of young trees was investigated in two experiments using transplants grown for one season beneath a canopy of...

Camden Neighbourhood Profile - Gospel Oak

The neighbourhood profiles are 22 data profiles that, collectively, cover the whole borough of Camden. The profiles contain comprehensive, verifiable and up-to-date statistics from a variety of...

Unit Location

Details of units for the National Audit Office

Ward Profile Jan-2020 Gospel Oak ward

This updated profile incorporate the most recent ward data available from population forecasts, from surveys and from administrative data to give the best current view of the local population. They...

Integrated Hydrological Units of the United Kingdom: Groups

This dataset is part of Integrated Hydrological Units (IHU) of the UK, a set of geographical reference units for hydrological purposes including river flow measurement and hydrometric data...

Landscape Description Units

Landscape Description Unit (LDU). A Landscape Description Unit is a representation of a Landscape Type in a specific location. These are the basic building blocks of the landscape and are defined...

Pupil Referral Unit Census

The Pupil Referral Unit Census is a statutory return for all local authority maintained PRU's and alternative provision academies including alternative provision free schools in England. The Pupil...

Rural Settlement Units

Angus Local Development Plan Rural Settlement Units (RSU) in Angus.

Integrated Hydrological Units of the United Kingdom: Sections

This dataset is part of Integrated Hydrological Units (IHU) of the UK, a set of geographical reference units for hydrological purposes including river flow measurement and hydrometric data...

Integrated Hydrological Units of the United Kingdom: Catchments

This dataset is part of Integrated Hydrological Units (IHU) of the UK, a set of geographical reference units for hydrological purposes including river flow measurement and hydrometric data...

Integrated Hydrological Units of the United Kingdom View Service

This is a web map view service for the Integrated Hydrological Units (IHU) of the United Kingdom. The IHU define geographical reference units for hydrological purposes including river flow...