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586 results found

Aids to navigation

Spatial layer of Aids to Navigation. Attributes of Beacon; Buoy; Signal; Signage; Dolphin.

AIMS Aids to Navigation

Assets that are used to aid navigation in the marine and fluvial environment. Asset Sub-Types include: Beacon; Buoy; Signal; Signage; Dolphin See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data (NERC grant NE/P018858/1)

Single-frequency Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observation data as daily files in compressed Hatanaka format. Near-field deployment of single-frequency receivers along the surface...

Important Navigation Routes defining boundary of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans

The data to define the extent of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans was based on identification of important navigation routes. Important navigation routes are areas...

FGS Target Area - Predator Control for Black Grouse

This dataset is derived from data supplied the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and is based on information from the BTO Bird Atlas 2007-11. Scottish Forestry would like to thanks BTO for their...

Channel Navigation Information System (CNIS)

System using active radar monitoring to ensure vessel safety in the Dover Strait, Thames Estuary and their approaches.

Important Navigation Routes defining boundary of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans Web Feature Service (WFS)

The data to define the extent of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans was based on identification of important navigation routes. Important navigation routes are areas...

Important Navigation Routes defining boundary of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The data to define the extent of policy PS2 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans was based on identification of important navigation routes. Important navigation routes are areas...

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) survey of Ciste Mhearad snow patch perimeter, Cairngorm, Scotland, 2023

This dataset contains geographic locations, including the horizontal and vertical position, of the perimeter of the Ciste Mhearad snow patch on Cairngorm for three dates in the summer of 2023....

At sea densities of black-headed gull in the breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for black-headed gull, in the breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

NI 044c - Ethnic composition of offenders on Youth Justice System disposals - Black or black british

This measures percentage point differences in the proportions of each Black Minority and Ethnic (BME) group of young people on youth justice disposals against the proportions of each BME group in...

Alcohol Consumption in Black and Minority Ethnic Groups and recent immigrants in Scotland

Alcohol Consumption in Black and Minority Ethnic Groups and recent immigrants in Scotland Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: Official Statistics not...

Spend over £25,000 in Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

At sea densities of great black-backed gull in the breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for great black-backed gull, in the breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of lesser black-backed gull in the breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for lesser black-backed gull, in the breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of black-headed gull in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for black-headed gull, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

Green Infrastructure Areas for the Black Country (GIBC)

Overview The Green Infrastructure Areas for the Black Country (GIBC) data identifies green infrastructure, green infrastructure function (or ecosystem service) and pinch point mapping for the Black...

At sea densities of great black-backed gull in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for great black-backed gull, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of lesser black-backed gull in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for lesser black-backed gull, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

Report and Analysis of the Experience of Patients in Black and Minority Ethnic Groups

Patient Experience for black and minority ethnic groups Source agency: Health Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: BME patient experience