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Long term effects of whole tree harvesting on soil carbon (Falstone 2009)

Kielder (Flastone 7) is the the oldest whole tree harvesting experiments in Europe. The site is currently a 34-year-old second rotation stand of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), in Kielder forest,...

Sitka spruce Population Study. A study in the natural variation of economic traits within an unselected population of Sitka spruce

The operational Sitka spruce selection and breeding programme commenced in 1963 with the selection in British forests of superior individuals for height, diameter, stem straightness and branching...

Broadscale habitat (EUNIS level 3) for Fulmar recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ)

Updated habitat map resulting from an intergrated analysis of the EGS 2012 acoustic data and the Cefas Survey of 2012 (Fulmar rMCZ groundtruthing survey onboard the RV Cefas Endeavour between 6 and...

Processes governing semi-metal - PGE linkage in crustal magmatic systems: opportunities for discovery and recovery (NERC grant NE/L002191/1)

Publications linked to the Grant: Holwell DA, Keays RR, McDonald I and Williams MR. 2015. Extreme Enrichment of Se, Te, PGE and Au in Cu sulfide microdroplets: evidence from LA-ICP-MS analysis of...

Data accompanying: Emmings et al. A Mississippian Black Shale Record of Redox Oscillation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [submitted July 2019] (NERC grant NE/L002493/1)

This is a geochemical dataset accompanying Emmings, J., Poulton, S., Vane, C., Davies, S., Jenkin, G., Stephenson, M., Leng, M., Lamb, A., Moss-Hayes, V. A Mississippian Black Shale Record of Redox...

2022 Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) Fal and Helford SAC Drop Down Video Maerl Habitat and Classification Survey

Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Cornwall IFCA) carried out a survey between May and July in 2022 of the maerl feature of the Fal and Helford Special Area of Conservation...

2022 Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) Fal and Helford SAC Drop Down Video Maerl Habitat and Classification Survey

Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Cornwall IFCA) carried out a survey between May and July in 2022 of the maerl feature of the Fal and Helford Special Area of Conservation...

Mississippian Bowland Shale dataset: from Hind Clough, Marl Hill 4 (MHD4) and Cominco S9 (Craven Basin, UK). Iron Speciation, total organic carbon and selected major and trace element geochemical data (NERC grant NE/L002493/1)

This dataset was acquired as part of a NERC-funded Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) PhD Studentship at the University of Leicester and British Geological Survey between 2014-2018 [grant no....

Scotland River Temperature Monitoring Network (SRTMN) - Riparian Woodland Prioritisation Scores

Increasing river temperatures are a threat to many of Scotland's freshwater species which are often adapted to live in cool environments. This includes ecologically and economically important...