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        Bat and bird survey data from different agricultural land use gradients in Ghana and Zambia, 2020-2023

        [This dataset is embargoed until March 15, 2025]. This dataset consists of bird observation and mist netting records for both bats and birds collected from December 2020 to March 2023. The data...

        GPS tracking data for 32 individual European nightjars in Humberhead Peatlands NNR from 2015-2018

        This dataset contains GPS data fixes (WGS84 format) from 32 European nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus) . The data contains additional information on identity of the bird, date, time of fix...

        Tree Trails - Humberstone Park

        The Humberstone Park tree trail allows visitors to have a leisurely walk and find out interesting facts about many of the magnificent trees that reside within the park.The 22 trees are all marked...

        Tree Trails - Western Park

        The Western Park tree trail allows visitors to have a leisurely walk and find out interesting facts about many of the magnificent trees that reside within the park.The 21 trees are all marked with...

        Tree Trails - Castle Hill Country Park

        The Castle Hill Country Park tree trail allows visitors to have a leisurely walk and find out interesting facts about many of the magnificent trees that reside within the park.The 17 trees are all...

        Tree Trails - Abbey Park

        The Abbey Park tree trail allows visitors to have a leisurely walk and find out interesting facts about many of the magnificent trees that reside within the park.The 21 trees are all marked with...