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Company identifiers (URIs)

Companies House has developed a new service to supply basic company details, using a simple Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for each company on our register. The URI is a unique web address that...

Growth of five species of trees on experimental plots on sand tailings left after mining for rutile in Sierra Leone

Data comprise measured heights of five species of trees after 2.5 years growth between June 2007 and November 2009 in plots reclaimed using a variety of planting techniques and surface applications...

Environmental and location data for Malaise trap samples in the leakage belt of the Gola Rainforest National Park, Sierra Leone, November to December 2021

This dataset contains information about the locations and local environmental conditions of 123 Malaise trap samples collected in November-December 2021 in the 908 km2 forested ‘leakage belt’...

Basic Company Data

Free Public Data Product **Note** The dates shown below relate to when the link has been added to The link references the latest data set as detailed below What is it? The...

Companies House - Free Company Data Product

Provided by Companies House - London and Barnet data can be extracted What is it? The Free Company Data Product is a downloadable data snapshot containing basic company data of live companies...

Housing need register applicants parish preference, social rented lettings and bidding behaviour

Data from Homelink showing areas where people say they want to live, compared with bidding behaviour for homes advertised through Homelink (social rented) to see which areas have a high demand and...

Housing need register applicants parish preference, social rented lettings and bidding behaviour

Data from Homelink showing areas where people say they want to live, compared with bidding behaviour for homes advertised through Homelink (social rented) to see which areas have a high demand and...

Local Housing Allowance changes

Published after reforms to the Local Housing Allowance setting process made in 2011, this data relates to private rented housing across Cambridgeshire and West Suffolk. Local Housing Allowance...

Apps on

The raw data behind the apps listed at This is exported in a relatively raw format. It is refreshed nightly. The fields should be relatively self-explanatory when...

URLs to services provided by local authorities

This dataset contains a list of services provided by local councils (‘local authorities’) and links to the corresponding pages on local council websites. It’s maintained and owned by the Government...