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Anak Krakatau hydroacoustic data - Seismic and multibeam bathymetry (NERC Grant NE/T002034/1)

Single Channel seismic data, Sound source - 8kJ Sparker; Recorder - EG&G 8 element marine hydrophone (streamer), stored in jpeg and SEGY files. Multibeam bathymetric data recorded by Teledyne...

P-wave velocity and attenuation (1/Q) data of water-saturated sand pack (from dry to full saturation) at 10 kilohertz frequency measured using an acoustic pulse tube under 10 MPa effective pressure

The data comprise P-wave velocity and attenuation (1/Q) measurements of water-saturated sand packs (four samples) across saturation levels, from dry to fully saturated. Using an acoustic pulse...

P-wave velocity and attenuation (1/Q) data of ice-bearing sand pack during melting measured using an acoustic pulse tube under 2.5 MPa effective pressure

The data comprise P-wave velocity and attenuation (1/Q) measurements of ice-bearing sand packs across ice saturation levels during melting, from frozen to fully melted conditions. Using an acoustic...