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Magnetotelluric data for the Halloween 2003 magnetic storm in the vicinity of Uppsala and Eskdalemuir geomagnetic observatories (synthesized using geomagnetic observatory data from INTERMAGNET) (NERC Grant NE/P016782/1)

Magnetotelluric data for the Halloween 2003 magnetic storm in the vicinity of Uppsala (UPS), Sweden and Eskdalemuir (ESK), Scotland geomagnetic observatories synthesized from geomagnetic...

Northern Ireland Fireworks Injuries

This statistical release gives details of the number of persons injured by fireworks in Northern Ireland during the Halloween period. The survey coveres a four/five-week period and covers those...

Magnetotelluric data from before, during and after the September 2017 magnetic storm at 7 sites in Scotland (NERC Grant NE/P016782/1)

Magnetotelluric (MT) time series including the September 2017 magnetic storm at 7 sites in the Scottish Highlands collected by Fiona Simpson (University of Southampton) and Karsten Bahr (University...