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Focus On The Digital Age

This report gives an overview of the digital age across society and economy in the UK. It shows the extent to which people, education, business and government have taken up information and...

Conceptions for those aged under 16

Conceptions for those aged under 16 as a proportion of all 13-15 year olds Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) - Clinical and Health Outcomes Knowledge...

Average age of rolling stock

This is the average age of rolling stock. Data is available by sector and train company. All rail vehicles leased from rolling stock leasing companies (ROSCOs) by train operators that have a...

Digital Record Store for images (DRCi)

Hosted by Iron Mountain. The DRC is an IBM Image on Demand System. It stores and manages digital images and fixed content. It currently holds British Coal Corporation (BCC) scanned Medical Records...

Digital inclusion

Internet usage and digital inclusion statistics

Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice: by Single Year of Age

Practice demographic data are extracted as a quarterly snapshot in time from the GP Payments system maintained by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). Data for GP Practices...

working age families

Adults of working age who receive additional allowances for dependent children - a subset of claimants who appear on the DWP working age client group dataset. Source: Department for Work and...

SurfZone Digital Elevation Model 2014

This dataset has been retired and replaced with Surfzone DEM 2019 dataset available here: The SurfZone Digital...

Personal Social Services: Home Care Users Aged 65 or over, England

Reports what people aged 65 and over, who receive care in their own home, think of the service they are receiving. It gives older peoples' opinions on a number of areas including how safe they feel...

Health-related quality of life for carers, aged 18 and above (CCGOIS 2.15)

Average adjusted health status (EQ-5D™) score for individuals reporting that they are carers, aged 18 and above, based on responses to a question from the GP Patient Survey. Current version...

Register of information sharing agreements under chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 of part 5 of the Digital Economy Act 2017

Register of information sharing agreements that have been made under the public service delivery, debt, fraud and civil registration provisions within the Digital Economy Act 2017.

Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice (practice level, 5 year age groups)

Number of patients registered at each GP Practice, in 5-year age bands and split by gender. GP Practices with 100 or fewer registered patients have been suppressed due to possible...

Pupils by age in maintained schools

Number of pupils by age: Maintained schools Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Geographies: County/Unitary...

Average age of the population by ethnicity

Statistics about the age of the general population of England and Wales. The data also looks at the age profiles of different ethnic groups (Asian, Black, Mixed, White and Other). Data comes...

Basic Digital Service Key Performance Stats

A dataset containing the key performance indicators of the Basic Digital Service which provides basic DBS checks.

SurfZone Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - 2m

The SurfZone Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was produced in 2019. Combining LIDAR and near-shore multibeam SONAR Bathymetry elevation data, it is the best currently available Digital Elevation Model...

Check for Flooding User Satisfaction and Digital Take Up Scores

User Satisfaction and Digital Take Up scores for the Check for Flooding service.

Defra's Marine Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - 6 arc seconds

This dataset contains Digital Elevation Model (DEM) shapefiles for the waters surrounding the United Kingdom to a depth of 200 metres. This resolution is 6 arc seconds which covers the widest...

Children's tooth decay (at age 5)

Mean number of teeth per child sampled which were either actively decayed or had been filled or extracted. Source: BASCD (British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry) Publisher:...

Pensionable age DWP client group

The information in this dataset refers to numbers of Pensionable Age Benefit Claimants and is derived from a 100% data source; the Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study (WPLS). The dataset provides...