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        4,575 results found

        Directgov Popular Pages

        This dataset provides the information on Directgov monthly most popular pages.

        Food Hygiene Ratings website pages

        A breakdown of the Food Hygiene Ratings top pages showing page views and unique page views.

        NextBuses API

        The NextBuses API allows users to access live departure information by stop for public transport across Great Britain. Real time information will be provided where it is available and scheduled...

        HSDS Insights Page pdfs

        pdfs stored here for this page:

        Next Step/National Careers Service contracts

        Next Step/National Careers Service contracts, may contain sensitive financial data.

        Exploratory evaluation of the Next Step service

        Data that supports BIS research report no. 97, on a study to evaluate outcomes associated with the Next Step careers and skills advice service. Explored the potential for exploiting the new Next...

        Residence and Domicile Self Assessment (SA) pages

        Datasets of all individuals completing the residency pages in Self Assessment for several years. Updated: annually.

        Residence and Domicile Self Assessment (SA) pages

        Datasets of all individuals completing the residency pages in Self Assessment for several years. Updated: annually.

        Next step customer satisfaction and progression surveys

        Satisfaction and progression survey data for customers of Next Step collected one month (satisfaction) and six months (progression) after the adviser session (September 2011 - March 2012). Survey...

        Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

        Next Step/National Careers Service invoices & supporting evidence

        Next Step/National Careers Service performance monitoring reports

        Next Step/National Careers Service performance monitoring reports

        Web-based Offspring Cohort Cull system (WebOCC)

        The WebOCC system queries the Cattle Tracing System (CTS) to perform searches for the Index Animal of a BSE (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy) case

        Communities and Local Government energy and water consumption data page

        This page provides access to real time energy (gas and electricity) and water consumption for Communities and Local Government headquarters building, Eland House, London. The Department's HQ...

        Web site registrations

        The names, interests and contact details of organisations and individuals who have registered on the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) web sites.

        Traffic Web Cameras

        Spatial dataset of Durham County Council managed traffic web camera locations. Please see for more information.

        Local Directgov web service

        The Local Directgov web service gives you direct access to the functions that drive the local government services on the Directgov website, so that you can use them in your own websites and other...

        Bathymetry Web Coverage Service

        This Web Coverage Service provides access to bathymetry that is available as part of the MEDIN Bathymetry Data Archiving Service.

        North Herts Council Web Maps

        North Herts Council has interactive web mapping projects without the need of specialist GIS/Mapping software. These maps can be viewed on a web browser and allows viewing of features and their...

        UKCCSRC Summer 2020 Web Series presentations

        UKCCSRC Grant EP/P026214/1. The UKCCSRC Summer Web Series ran from 21st July to 3rd September 2020 relating to various aspects of carbon capture and storage. For more information see...

        National Archives Web Continuity

        The National Archives is preserving digital government information by regularly archiving UK central government websites. There are now over 1 billion online documents accessible through our UK...