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        177 results found

        High-precision CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb geochronology of zircon from Rio Blanco - Los Bronces Cu Porphyry system

        High-precision CA-ID-TIMS (Chemical Abrasion Isotope Dilution Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry) Uranium-Lead geochronology of zircon, extracted from igneous plutonic and mineralised porphyry...

        Monthly precise levelling data of peat surface motion from upland and lowland blanket peatland in the Flow Country, Scotland, 2017-2019

        The datasets contains monthly Leica LS15 precise levelling data which is used to measure monthly peat surface motion from 49 points in 1km2 of upland (RSPB Forsinard Knockfin Heights) and 49 points...

        High precision zircon U-Pb data for plutonic rocks from the Masirah and Ra's Madrakah ophiolites, South East Oman

        Zircon U-Pb isotope data are presented for eight plutonic rocks from the Masirah ophiolite and one plutonic rock from the Ra's Madrakah ophiolite (south east Oman). These data constrain the age of...

        Ash and gas data from 2013 activity at Volcán de Colima, México (NERC grant NE/L000741/1)

        This dataset (1.5 GB) comprises SO2 emission data (SO2 camera and DOAS) of parts of the active 2013 phase from Colima, as well as Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images and microprobe data of...

        Anak Krakatau hydroacoustic data - Seismic and multibeam bathymetry (NERC Grant NE/T002034/1)

        Single Channel seismic data, Sound source - 8kJ Sparker; Recorder - EG&G 8 element marine hydrophone (streamer), stored in jpeg and SEGY files. Multibeam bathymetric data recorded by Teledyne...

        Ocean Island Basalt olivine compositions and thin section maps (NERC grant NE/J021539/1)

        High precision electron-probe analysis of olivine compositions from a set of ocean island basalts. Accompanied by thin section scans and QEMSCAN (Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by SCANning)...

        Uranium-lead (U-Pb) dating of the Wensleydale Granite, Yorkshire Dales, UK

        We undertook U-Pb analysis - both high precision ID-TIMS and high spatial resolution LA-MC-ICP-MS – to determine the age of the Wensleydale Granite. This was done in order to resolve the ambiguity...

        Rights Of Way - Bridleways

        Public Bridleways, a category of Public Rights of Way. The precise legal line of a right of way can only be determined by reference to the Definitive Map (1:10560 scale). Cheshire West and Chester...

        Rights of Way - Footpaths

        Public Footpaths, a category of Public Rights of Way. The precise legal line of a right of way can only be determined by reference to the Definitive Map (1:10560 scale). Cheshire West and Chester...

        Personal Income Analyses: Other analyses, regional

        Provides estimates for regional, administrative and political geographical areas plus measures of precision for those estimates. The estimates are for individuals liable to UK income tax and their...

        Rights Of Way - Byways Open To All Traffic

        Byways open to all traffic, a category of Public Rights of Way. The precise legal line of a right of way can only be determined by reference to the Definitive Map (1:10560 scale). Cheshire West...

        Rights of Way - Restricted Byways

        Cheshire West and Chester Council Restricted Byways, a category of Public Rights of Way. The precise legal line of a right of way can only be determined by reference to the Definitive Map (1:10560...


        Code-Point® precisely locates 1.7 million postcode units in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Each unit contains an average of 15 adjoining addresses. For direct marketers, Code-Point® helps you...

        British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Sampling Survey 1977/CH/Consub: Submersible trials: Haig Fras (14/Sep/1977 to 22/Sep/1977)

        This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical and sampling survey took place in September 1977 in the Haig Fras area on board the RRS Challenger. The purpose of the project was to carry...

        OS Net

        OS Net is our highly accurate and resilient network of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) base stations covering Great Britain. It enables Real-time Kinematic (RTK) positioning services,...

        OSNI Open Data - Gazetteer - Place Names

        The Place Names gazetteer contains a geographical index of 336 towns and villages across Northern Ireland. The data was derived from OSNI's 1:250,000 Ireland North mapping. The locations represent...

        OSNI Open Data - Gazetteer - Place Names

        The Place Names gazetteer contains a geographical index of 336 towns and villages across Northern Ireland. The data was derived from OSNI's 1:250,000 Ireland North mapping. The locations represent...

        Hydrometric Monitoring Points

        This record is for Approval for Access product AfA216. This dataset shows the (approximate) location of all current sites used for monitoring water quantity, including groundwater, rivers, lakes,...

        Eradication England - Ruddy Duck Post-Mortem Data

        This dataset contains details of post-mortem examinations of Ruddy Ducks shot during the UK Ruddy Duck Eraddication Programme. Dead birds were collected in the field and examined under under...

        Public Rights of Way (PROW)

        A copy of Public Rights of Way (PROW) held by Telford and Wrekin Council. This dataset should not be used for legal purposes; the Public Right of Way data is a snapshot of the from a given time,...