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        5,179 results found

        Health-related quality of life for carers (NHSOF 2.4)

        This indicator measures health-related quality of life for people who identify themselves as helping or supporting family members, friends, neighbours or others with their long-term physical or...

        Saved Local Plan Policy F1 - Health Related Land

        Dataset showing Health Related Land under Policy F1 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas recorded as polygons. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

        1988-2011 Stebbing et al. British records of American lobsters, Homarus americanus

        American lobsters (Homarus americanus) are native to the east coast of North American and Canada, but have been imported live into Europe for several decades resulting in their escape into the...

        1988-2011 Stebbing et al. British records of American lobsters, Homarus americanus

        American lobsters (Homarus americanus) are native to the east coast of North American and Canada, but have been imported live into Europe for several decades resulting in their escape into the...

        Health-related quality of life for people with long-term conditions (NHSOF 2)

        This indicator measures the health-related quality of life for people who identify themselves as having one or more long-term conditions. Purpose This indicator measures how successfully the NHS...

        Human Relations - Employee Relations & Human Relations Direct

        Commissioned Medical Reports; Health Insurance paperwork including claims forms; ill health retirement paperwork; Employee Assistance Programme; Access to work reports ; casework information

        Health-related quality of life for people with three or more long-term conditions (NHSOF 2.7)

        This indicator measures the health-related quality of life for people who identify themselves as having three or more long-term conditions. Purpose This indicator measures how successfully the...

        Smoking-related hospital admissions

        This public health intelligence profile describes the trends and patterns in smoking-related hospital admissions in Camden.

        Health-related quality of life for people with a long-term mental health condition (CCGOIS 2.16)

        Average adjusted health status (EQ-5D™) score for individuals reporting that they have a long-term mental health condition, based on responses to a question from the GP Patient Survey. Current...

        Health profiles

        Health profiles at local authority level including general health, child health, alcohol and tobacco related health issues

        Oral Health

        This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to oral health in Camden.

        Dissolved Organic and Dissolved Black Carbon Concentrations in South American Rivers (NERC grant NE/L002434/1)

        A dataset of DOC and DBC concentrations from 78 sampling locations in South American rivers (surface waters).

        Drug-related deaths in Scotland

        The number of, and trends in, drug-related deaths in Scotland, broken down by, for example, age, sex, Health Board and Council areas and whether particular types of drug were found in the...

        Occupational Health

        Occupational Health providers: Have visibility of a range of data relating to individuals who are referred to them by managers/HR. This will include data relating to age, medical history and...

        Smoking related behaviour and attitudes

        Presents results from questions about smoking which were included on the ONS Omnibus survey at the request of the Health and Social Care Informtation Centre. Source agency: Office for National...

        Performance Indicators : Health

        Key Performance Indicators related to Health

        Public Health locations

        Locations related to Public Health in the City of London

        Health Survey for England

        A series of annual surveys designed to measure health and health related behaviours in adults and children. Source agency: Health and Social Care Information Centre Designation: National...

        Sulfur cycling in subduction zones: Central American arc dataset (NERC Grant NE/T010940/1)

        This dataset contains major, trace, and volatile element contents, and sulfur isotope ratio data measured in silicate glasses found in volcanic rocks from the Central American Volcanic Arc. The...

        Scottish Health Survey

        Comparison of key public health statistics for Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland drawn from the four countries' health surveys. Data relates to 2008 for Scotland, England and Wales and...