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22 results found

Afghan Emergency Response Survey

This dataset presents results of a four-weekly questionnaire sent to a cohort of organisations working directly with Afghan communities in London. The first two surveys, beginning October...

Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) Performance Database

An intranet system that pulls together a cross section of data from a number of the case management systems used at all the different Courts and Tribunals across England and Wales; Aria,...

Suitable Locations for Wind Turbines - Aberdeenshire

All local authorities must create a spatial framework assessment of land that is suitable for wind turbines. Scottish Planning Policy specifies that the land should be categorised as 1, 2 or 3. We...


[My London](/mylondon/) is a new tool to help people who are moving to London for the first time or who are moving within London. It allows people to define an area or neighbourhood of interest...

Cycling Network - Scotland

Many local authorities capture details of the cycle network within their jurisdiction. These may be lanes along roads or segregated paths away from vehicles. This dataset attempts to pull anything...

2006 Palma and Parham Swash Channel Bonnemaisonia hamifera records

This report represents the work undertaken by Bournemouth University and Poole Harbour Commissioners on the Protected Wreck site of the Swash Channel Wreck located in the approached to Poole...

2006 Palma and Parham Swash Channel Bonnemaisonia hamifera records

This report represents the work undertaken by Bournemouth University and Poole Harbour Commissioners on the Protected Wreck site of the Swash Channel Wreck located in the approached to Poole...

Safety Features - Scotland

Many Local Authorities capture locational details of certain safety features located across their area of jurisdiction. This dataset attempts to pull those features together into one single...

Suicide in Children and Young People

This report draws on data from the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) to identify the common characteristics of children and young people who die by suicide, investigate factors associated...

Compendium of UK Statistics

A compendium that pulls together comparable statistics for the 4 nations of the UK into four themes - Economy, Population and Migration, Social Indicators and Environment. The compendium includes...


This data has been taken from LG Inform at data reference ID: 49. It pulls together a range of measures including employment, housing affordability and availability...

Hidden crisis project: studies of community water management in Malawi and Uganda 2017-2018 (NERC Grant NE/M008606/1)

In developing countries, the dominant model for managing rural water supplies is a community-level association or committee. Although a relative paucity of evidence exists to support this model, it...

Porewater and microbial community properties of permeable riverbed sediments across the south of England, 2018

This dataset contains in-stream measurements of sediment porewater nutrients, nitrification rates (and the fraction which is either fully oxidised to nitrate or reduced to N2 gas), and the...

Leeds Let's Get Active

Leeds City Council and Sport England have teamed up to provide Leeds Let's Get Active, a programme of free gym and swim sessions at all Leeds City Council leisure centres, as well as beginner...

Hidden crisis project: in-depth qualitative social science survey of community water management arrangements in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Uganda 2017-2018 (NERC grant NE/M008606/1)

In developing countries, the dominant model for managing rural water supplies is a community-level association or committee. Although a relative paucity of evidence exists to support this model, it...

Live traffic information from Highways England (previously Highways Agency)

Live traffic information data showing traffic information on the strategic road network in England, maintained by Highways England (previously called the Highways Agency). Update: 10th December...

Wider impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery of population health outcomes for London

These documents were produced through a collaboration between GLA, PHE London and Association of Directors of Public Health London. The wider impacts slide set pulls together a series of rapid...

2021 Camden School Places Planning Reporting (Primary, Secondary & SEND)

The 2021 Camden Annual School Places Planning reporting incorporates all underlying demographic data including: existing provision and capacity, actual registered births, and fertility, the latest...

Report: Kingsnorth E.ON UK Carbon Capture & Storage Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapters 01 - 03: Executive Summary

During 2010-11, as part of the Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Demonstration Competition process, E.ON undertook a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study for the development of a commercial...

Conservation biological control experiments data, 2005-2009 - RELU Re-bugging the system: promoting adoption of alternative pest management strategies in field crop

This set of conservation biological control experiments data was collected as part of five field experiments investigating agricultural biological control techniques, particularly the effect of...