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Early Learning for two-year-olds: voluntary survey

Data drawn from a termly voluntary survey of English local authorities on the number of two-year-olds receiving a funded early learning place. Survey designed to help the Department monitor...

NI 113a - Prevalence of Chlamydia in under 25 year olds -Testing of Chlamydia in under 25 year olds

Number of episodes of Chlamydia diagnosed for males and females aged 15 -19 against the local population of all 15 to 19 years olds, expressed as a percentage.

Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 year old)

Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 year old)

NI 113b - Prevalence of Chlamydia in under 25 year olds - Positive diagnoses of Chlamydia in under 25 year olds

Number of episodes of Chlamydia diagnosed for males and females aged 15 -19 against the local population of all 15 to 19 years olds, expressed as a percentage.

Chlamydia diagnoses (15-24 year olds), per 100,000 population

Chlamydia diagnoses (15-24 year olds), per 100,000 population

Education and training participation: 16-18 year olds

Continuing participation in education and training by 16 and 17 year olds in each local area in England Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children...

Chlamydia diagnoses (15-19 year olds), per 100,000 population

Chlamydia diagnoses (15-19 year olds), per 100,000 population *This indicator has been discontinued

Chlamydia diagnoses (20-24 year olds), per 100,000 population

Chlamydia diagnoses (20-24 year olds), per 100,000 population *This indicator has been discontinued

Number of 16-17 year olds accepted as homeless - (YTD)

Number of 16-17 year olds accepted as homeless - (YTD) *This indicator has been discontinued

NI 113 - Prevalence of chlamydia in under 25 year olds

Number of episodes of Chlamydia diagnosed for males and females aged 15 -19 against the local population of all 15 to 19 years olds, expressed as a percentage.

NI 091 - Participation of 17 year-olds in education or training

Number of learners in education and Work Based Learning against the population of 17 year olds

Participation in Education, Training and Employment by 16-18 Year Olds in England

Provides statistics on participation of 16-18 year olds in education, training and employment. Source agency: Education Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Infant mortality rate (under 1 year old), per 1,000 live births

Infant mortality rate (under 1 year old), per 1,000 live births

% Take up of early education places by eligible two year olds - (Snapshot)

% Take up of early education places by eligible two year olds - (Snapshot)

19 year olds Qualified to NVQ Level 3, Borough

Number and proportion of 19 year olds qualified to Level 3 since 2007. Young people are allocated to a Local Authority based on the school where they were studying in year 11 at the time of the...

NI 113 Prevalence of chlamydia in under 25 year olds

Number of episodes of Chlamydia diagnosed for males and females aged 15 -19 against the local population of all 15 to 19 years olds, expressed as a percentage. Source: Department for Children...

% of 16+ year olds ending their YOT supervised order who are NEET - (YTD)

% of 16+ year olds ending their YOT supervised order who are NEET - (YTD) *This indicator is discontinued

% of 10-16 year olds ending their YOT supervised order who are NEET - (YTD)

% of 10-16 year olds ending their YOT supervised order who are NEET - (YTD) *This indicator is discontinued

Participation in full-time education and vocational training by 16 and 17 year olds (Northern Ireland)

Participation in full-time education and vocational training by 16 and 17 year olds. Source agency: Education (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Maintained nursery and primary school provision for three to four year olds

Number of part time funded nursery and primary school places filled by three and four year olds Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES), Learning and Skills Council (LSC). Publisher:...