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109 results found

Google Mobility by Borough

These data provide evidence of how movement in London was been affected by the various control measures for COVID-19 and how much they recovered once those measures were eased. **NOTE: Google...


Personnel data for NEST.

Seabird Nesting Counts (British Isles)

This dataset contains counts of breeding seabirds derived from surveys by professional and volunteer ornithologists from within sub-sites defined using 6-figure OS grid references. Counts were...

Cambridgeshire Insight and Open Data Portal Google Analytics Summary

This dataset will display quarterly Google analytics figures for both Cambridgeshire Insight and Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data Portal. It includes total users, total sessions and total page views.

Rare Bird Nesting Areas

Shows areas where rare birds nest on the high moor. It is used as guidance for the Ten Tors event so that participants do not inadvertently stray into sensitive bird habitats. Recommended...

Dynamics Client Relationship Manager

NEST Corporation Client Relationship Management system is a database that enables NESTs Communications and Engagement department to efficiently and securely manage the records of potential and... usage statistics

Usage data for Gives an impression of the quality and quantity of usage, the browsers used and which pages had the most interest. Data from Google Analytics. Updated daily.

Mimetic host shifts in a social parasite of ants: Caterpillar survivors in Myrmica nests

This dataset is part of the study of mimetic host shifts in an endangered social parasite of ants, which is a joint study of the NERC's Centre for Ecology & Hydrology(UK), the University of...

Investment Risk Management System

Stores NEST investment profile information, not actual investments. No commercial or personal information. Used to monitor the market risk levels of portfolio's

DarwinPlus053: Northern Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi breeding success on Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha 2016-2017

Darwin Plus Project 053 The dataset is under Embargo until data analysis has been completed and ready...

Sage 200 financial accounting system

Financial accounting system including the ledger, accounts payable and all financial information that NEST needs to maintain for statutory purposes and financial management.

Web analytics for East Sussex County Council

Open read-only access to Google Analytics reports for some East Sussex County Council websites. We are happy for this data to be used under the Open Government Licence, but clearly Google's...

Council building information

A dataset providing information about local council services in Leeds. Leeds City Council uses this information to populate the Knowledge Panels on the Google search website.  The dataset includes...

2011 Tarmac Marine Dredging Ltd Area 435/396 Monitoring Report

Monitoring survey undertaken by EMU on behalf of Tarmac Marine Dredging Ltd. The primary aim of the survey was to undertake a repeat monitoring survey of the Licence Areas 435/396 and adjacent...

The number and individual weight of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris audax) from nests containing neonicotinoids in Wester Ross, UK

This dataset contains a colony performance indicator monitored from Bumblebee colonies of similar mass after 43-48 days in the field. The weight in milligrams (mg) is given of each surviving bee...

Allerdale Gazetteer Streetview LLPG

Allerdale Local Land Property Gazetteer expression of address information specifically with Google Streetview definition as a hyperlink to enable viewing of a specific property. Address and links...

Supporting data for 'DFENS: Diffusion chronometry using Finite Elements and Nested Sampling' (NERC Grant NE/L002507/1)

This is supporting data for the manuscript entitled 'DFENS: Diffusion chronometry using Finite Elements and Nested Sampling' by E. J. F. Mutch, J. Maclennan, O. Shorttle, J. F. Rudge and D. Neave....

Broadscale remote survey and mapping of sublittoral habitats and their associated biota in the Firth of Lorn: biotopes

Methodologies for broad scale mapping of sublittoral habitats and biota based on acoustic remote sensing was developed as the Broadscale Mapping Project (BMP), a three year project funded by a...

Trees in Leeds city centre

Spatial dataset representing all the existing tree canopies within the city centre of Leeds as defined CC2 boundary (UDP 2006). The trees are classified as Single, Linear or Group.   2017 -...

GM Cycle Hubs

Cycle Hub locations in Greater Manchester. The dataset is available in .csv, MapInfo .tab, Google .kml, and ESRI .shp file formats. Please acknowledge the source of this information using the...