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596 results found

Workforce Management Information - Charity Commission

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll...

Workforce Management Information - Food Standards Agency

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the Food Standards Agency. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent labour, including consultants)...

National Savings & Investments workforce management information

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in NS&I. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent labour, including consultants) information is...

Workforce Management Information - HM Land Registry

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll...

Workforce Management Information - HM Revenue & Customs and Valuation Office Agency

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll...

Occupational Hygiene visits

Measurements of worker exposure to substances hazardous to health. Contains sensitive/security, commercial and personal data.

Further Education, Work-Based Learning, Train to Gain and Safeguarded Learning

Presents early year estimates of the number of learners in post-16 education and training in England funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) who were in learning in October 2007. Source...

Further Education and Sixth Form College Accounts

Combined Skills Funding Agency and Education Funding Agency database of college finance records for the year ended 31 July 2012.

Employers who fail to pay National Minimum or National Living Wage

Under a revised scheme announced on 11 February 2020, the naming of employers will resume. This process will call out businesses failing to pay their workers the National Minimum Wage and failing...

Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2014/15

The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance statistics for the...

Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2015/16

The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance statistics for the...

Essential Skills Activity 2002 - 2013/14

The data shows the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, and also provides further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance statistics for the...

Skills Tests Data for Current Academic Year

Weekly and monthly data captured on professional skills tests results for trainee teachers in numeracy and literacy for academic year 2012 and 2013. Includes pass rates by test form and special...

Maintained nursery and primary school provision for three to four year olds

Number of part time funded nursery and primary school places filled by three and four year olds Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES), Learning and Skills Council...

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Education Domain

ID 2004 Education Skills and Training Domain (captures the extent of deprivation in education, skills and training in a local area) Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID...

Independent nursery and primary school provision for three to four year olds

Number of three and four year olds taking up early education sessions in private, voluntary and independent nursery and primary schools Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES), ...

% of panel who disagree their skills and qualifications are suited to jobs available in York

% of panel who disagree their skills and qualifications are suited to jobs available in York

% of panel who agree their skills and qualifications are suited to jobs available in York

% of panel who agree their skills and qualifications are suited to jobs available in York

Statistics on the attainment of 16- to 19-year-olds in England, including exam results and performance tables.

The proportion of young people reaching the level 2 and level 3 threshold by age 16, age 17, age 18, age 19 and age 20 in each area Source: Learning and Skills Council (LSC) Publisher: Learning...

Epidemiology & Medical Statistics Unit (EMSU) National Proficiency Testing Council (NPTC)

Used for inputting, retention, retrieval and analysis of medical data collection on workers exposed to pesticides. Number of records in dataset – 85,900. Contains sensitive medical in confidence...