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470 results found

Surface Water Availability for Water Resource Charging

This is a national picture of Surface water resource availability mapped to Integrated Water bodies for the purposes of Water Resource Charging only. Water Resource charges will depend on the water...

Consistent financial reporting

Consistent financial reporting (CFR) is the framework by schools to collect the information on income and expenditure each year. The information held here is for all maintained schools and pupil...

Health Management On-Line Portal

The Health Management On-Line Portal is database for referring and tracking occupational health referrals by Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) line managers.

Bereavement benefits

Bereavement Benefits consists of three main benefit payments 1) The Bereavement Payment (one off payment to payable to widow/widower if his/her late spouse had paid enough National Insurance...

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM009

Concealed family status by family type by dependent children by age of Family Reference Person (FRP) Table Population: All families

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM034

Family status by number of parents working by economic activity status Table Population: All usual residents in families with dependent children

WFD Cycle 2 lake salinity classification

This dataset is a subset of "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" and contains classification data for Salinity in lakes. Salinity is a supporting element and is an ecological factor of considerable...

Temperature and cooling rate data for a conductively cooling 250km radius planetesimal with and without temperature-dependent material properties (NERC Grant NE/L002574/1)

The data contain the results of model of a conductively cooling planetesimal with a radius of 250 km and a core radius of 125 km. Two data files are included: one for a model run which uses...

All UK Special Protected Areas (SPAs) with marine components

This spreadsheet contains Special Protection Areas (SPAs) with marine components are defined as those sites with qualifying Birds Directive (2009/147/EC) Annex I species or regularly occurring...

Pupil absence in schools in England: autumn term 2014

This release, published by the Department for Education, provides information on the levels of overall, authorised and unauthorised absence in: - state-funded primary schools - state-funded...

Species point records from 1977-81 Eleftheriou/Robertson east Scotland littoral sediment survey

Eleven sandy beaches on the east coast of Scotland were surveyed over a period of several years (1977-1981). On each beach, after initial observations were made on the structure, degree of...

Habitat point records from 1977-81 Eleftheriou/Robertson east Scotland littoral sediment survey

Eleven sandy beaches on the east coast of Scotland were surveyed over a period of several years (1977-1981). On each beach, after initial observations were made on the structure, degree of...

UK Ramsar habitat cover

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all habitat cover data for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

UK Ramsar sites

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains basic site details for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK and its Overseas...

Water bodies impacted by pollution from abandoned metal mines

List of water bodies (rivers) with significant failures of environmental quality standards for metals (cadmium, lead, nickel, copper, zinc and/or iron) caused by abandoned metal mines in England....

Pupil absence in schools in England: 2013 to 2014

This release, published by the Department for Education, provides information on the levels of overall, authorised and unauthorised absence in: - state-funded primary schools - state-funded...

UK Ramsar human factors

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

UK Ramsar Information Sheets – all details in structured spreadsheet format

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This spreadsheet contains all of the information within Ramsar Information Sheets for all designated...

Child Protection Statistics, Scotland

The number of child protection referrals, case conferences, registrations, de-registrations and the number on child protection registers. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

AIMS Spatial Flood Defences (inc. standardised attributes)

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA345. The Environment Agency's (EA) Spatial Flood defences layer is the only comprehensive and up-to-date dataset in England that shows flood...