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Forest Heath District Council/Business rate properties

Business rate properties

% of properties offered 2 kerbside recyclate collections - (YTD)

% of properties offered 2 kerbside recyclate collections - (YTD) *This indicator has been discontinued.

Bring empty private sector properties back into use

Bring empty private sector properties back into use *This indicator has been discontinued.

Private sector long term empty properties by ward

This dataset show long term empty properties (6 months+) in the private sector. Please note ----------- * Due to technical problems at the time, the data listed between May 2013 and July 2013...

Long term empty properties owned by Ltd companies

This data relates to long term empty properties (i.e. those that have been empty for more than 6 months). The information relates purely to empty property addresses that are within the private...

Halton Registered Land and Property Assets - Social Services

Dataset comprising all council registered social services land and property assets. Areas recorded as polygons

Halton Registered Land and Property Assets - Education Use

Dataset comprising all council registered educational land and property assets. Areas recorded as polygons

Non-domestic rates current empty property reliefs

Current non-domestic rates current empty property reliefs

Non-domestic rate current empty property exemptions

National non-domestic rates current empty property exemptions

Solid wall and off gas network properties, (LSOA)

Number and percentage of properties with solid walls and those not connected to gas mains at Lower Super Output Area level. Data is taken from the rural fuel poverty study funded by Eaga...

Lichfield District Council Freehold Land And Property Ownerships

The freehold land and property ownerships of Lichfield District Council. Captured as boundaries against the Ordnance Survey OSmastermap layer.

Number of Other Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties

Number of Other Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties

Number of Retail Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties

Number of Retail Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties

Community Protection Notices - Waste accumulation on residential property

Community Protection Notices - Waste accumulation on residential property

Number of Industrial Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties

Number of Industrial Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties

Number of Office Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties

Number of Office Sector Non Domestic Rateable Properties

Mortgage and landlord possession statistics, England and Wales

The quarterly releases present statistics on possession actions issued in county courts by mortgage lenders and social and private landlords in England and Wales. Note that the figures represent...

Special Adviser numbers and costs

The following data sets of special adviser numbers and paybands have been released, they list the names of the special advisers in post at various times, including each special adviser’s pay band,...

AddressBase Premium

Our flagship address database, AddressBase® Premium gives you the most up to date, accurate information about addresses, properties and land areas. You'll be more efficient - making it easier and...

Historic Address

The Historic Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that are no longer in existence. This can occur as a result of demolition or the merging of two built properties to become one...